That Butler; Magical

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The Undertaker chuckles, his eyes twinkling with amusement as he listens to __________'s rapid stream of questions. He gently disentangles his hands from __________'s grasp and places them on his hips.

"My, my, you certainly have a lot of questions, don't you?" he says, his voice filled with mirth. "But fear not, my dear. The Undertaker is here to shed some light on your inquiries."

He gestures for Ciel and Sebastian to take a seat, and they oblige, their expressions a mix of curiosity and skepticism. Meanwhile, __________ continues to bounce on their feet, barely containing their excitement.

"Now, dimensional travel is indeed a fascinating topic," the Undertaker begins, his voice taking on a more serious tone. "As a grim reaper, I do have some knowledge on the subject. You see, we reapers have the ability to traverse between dimensions, guiding souls to their proper resting place."

__________ leans in closer, their eyes wide with anticipation. "So, you mean there's a way for me to travel back to my world?"

The Undertaker tilts his head, his gaze thoughtful. "Ah, that's where things get a bit tricky, my dear. You see,the ability to travel between dimensions is not something that is easily accessible to humans. It requires a certain level of supernatural power or a connection to the spirit realm. While I don't possess the power to send you back directly, I can certainly provide you with some guidance."

__________'s excitement wavers slightly, but they remain determined. "Please, Undertaker, any guidance you can offer would be greatly appreciated. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to find a way back home."

The Undertaker smiles, his eyes filled with understanding. "I can sense your determination, my dear. That's a good quality to have. Now, there are a few methods that have been known to facilitate dimensional travel. One such method involves finding a portal, a gateway between dimensions."

Ciel raises an eyebrow, his voice laced with skepticism. "And where exactly would we find such a portal?"

The Undertaker chuckles softly, his gaze shifting to a nearby shelf filled with peculiar artifacts. "Ah, portals can be quite elusive, my young earl. They tend to appear in places of significance, where the boundaries between worlds are thin. It could be an ancient ruin, a sacred site, or even a hidden doorway within your own manor."

"But, there is the exception of portals being created through magic without the need for a vessel. It's rare but not unheard of. Beings who are able to procure such portals are as elusive as they can be. Tell me dearie, did you do anything strange or encounter a being that might be able to do that?" Undertaker explains, even going on about the beings that can create portals that go through time and space. Defying the laws of science and what not. Beings like himself- Grim reapers, maybe demons, angels, witches, and so on so forth.

_________ hums, thinking for a moment, "I don't think I encountered anyone special, but I wouldn't know cuz there aren't any of those things in my world that I know of... But... maybe I did encounter one without me knowing? I don't have many friends... Or enemies for that matter? Was it a blessing or a curse? I have no clue"

"Well dearie, you must have if you are here like this"

"But what if I'm just dreaming and this is a coma-induced hallucination??? Oh wait, no- I definitely felt pain when I lost my eye to Angela" ________ rethinks things again, before Undertaker frowns at the mention of the angel from that time ________ lost their eye.

"Unfortunate news my dears, but the angel.... Is still alive" Undertaker warns the trio about Angela, the angel they thought they slew that time back then. Unfortunately for them, they were unable to fully slay the horrid being that harmed _________. Undertaker telling them to be careful when they go searching about how to bring _______ back to her home world. As Angela might be out looking for revenge of some kind.

_________ listens intently to Undertaker's words, their expression turning grim as Angela's name is mentioned. The memory of the pain they endured resurfaces, and they clench their fists, determination burning in their eyes.

"I won't let Angela stop me from finding a way to fix things" __________ declares with a resolute tone. "I'll be cautious, but I won't let fear hold me back."

Sebastian's eyes narrow, his voice laced with a hint of menace. "If Angela dares to cross our path again, she will face the consequences of her actions. I won't hesitate to protect __________ at all costs."

Ciel nods in agreement, his voice firm. "Indeed, we will be on guard. Angela won't be able to harm __________ or hinder their journey. We'll make sure of it."

The Undertaker smiles approvingly, his eyes shining with a mixture of amusement and anticipation. "Ah, the determination and resilience of youth. It truly is a sight to behold. Remember, my dear, the path back to your world may be filled with challenges and unexpected twists, but I have faith that you will overcome them."

__________ straightens their posture, their gaze unwavering. "Thanks guys.."

And so the search was on, with help from the Undertaker, they are able to gather more information about how to return ______ home. Starting with a small visit from William, who- was luckily complying due to it being a request from a senior grim reaper.

"So you wish to return home yes?"

"I mean... Not now, but yeah I guess??"

"I will take that as confirmation."


"To return to your world, you need the power to do so. Most call this power magic, though I prefer it be called mana. Every being has mana, those who don't are anomalies. Considering your world only had science..? It must mean that you all do not use your mana. Were there any exceptions? Anything you think could be more 'magical' than it was scientific?" ________ thinks about Williams words for a moment, shaking their head as they seem to have nothing.

"Very well, we could check you yourself for mana. You might have done it unconsciously or something like that. Do you mind?"

William reaches out his hand, taking _______'s hand in his own before adjusting his glasses. "Come, sit here and let us see" ________ is led to the middle of the Undertaker's shop, sitting on one of the coffins he had around. Before procuring another pair of glasses from out of his pocket and putting them on. He hums and blinks for a few seconds before his eyes widen and he stumbles backwards.

"Woah, Will what's up with you???"

"This mana.... It's incredible...!"

That Butler, Isekaid (To Be Continued..?)Where stories live. Discover now