Chapter 8: Reverse has taking action!

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Attention! Boboiboy is owned and originated by Animonsta Studios/Monsta! None of the characters are mine!!
Bad grammar and no ship!!


Reverse quickly use his leaf powers to trap everyone but it was kinda half failed. He failed to trap mechabot, Amato, Ying and Fang.

Fang : you won't get away with this!

Amato : mechabot!

Mechabot : aye aye captain!

Mechabot turns into Amato's armour. Fang uses his shadow tiger to get reverse while mechamato uses his missile to get reverse too but unfortunately, reverse dodges the two of 'em using his lightning speed.

Ying started to run around reverse and told fang and toma— mechamato.. To quickly attack him while he is distracted with the movements.

Fang uses his shadow fingers to trap him in place while mechamato shoot an anesthesia dart. Luckily, the dart hits reverse's neck.

Reverse : you motherfu—!

Reverse falls asleep before he can finish his offensive sentence (lmao 'offensive').

Mechabot : pftt—! Who taught that kid to swear?!

Amato : whoever taught him is a bad teacher.

In boboiboy's mindspace

Reverse : holy shit! It's still sting like— OW!

Gempa : this is why I told you to not come out and fight them now.

Reverse : ugh.. Where is ori?

Gempa : he's currently playing with Duri.

Reverse : ugh that bastard.. How did he even know how to defeat me?!

Gempa : MAYBE, if you have enough patience, you can literally wipe them out.

Reverse : ... I'm going to ori.

Gempa : alright.

With boboiboy

Duri : again! Again!

Boboiboy : alright!

Boboiboy think about a table and a table spawned out of nowhere.

Blaze : whoa!! How did you do it!?

Boboiboy : easy! Just think about of anything and it will spawn! But I think it only works for me though..

Taufan : awhh.. I really want to build us a home!

Boboiboy : maybe I can—

Reverse : hey ori!

Boboiboy : oh not you again.

Taufan : why are you mad at him?

Boboiboy : he tried to brainwash me into thinking that all of my friends are lying and using me.

Taufan : but, isn't it true? Right guys?

Blaze : yep.

Duri : yeah! They even burn and cut some forest illegally!

Reverse : look at that, the elements even agreed.

Boboiboy : you guys think that they are bad..?

Taufan : well yeah!

Boboiboy : then, why do you still care about me?

Reverse : because you cared about us. You didn't want us to suffer in retakka's control. You set us free. You are different from everyone. Aaron.

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