Chapter 15: the fight. (not much)

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I'm trying a new kind of paragraph so of there's a mistake, don't blame me, blame the paragraphs. Also, fuck the trailer I won't be using those sentences.


Attention! Boboiboy is owned and originated by Animonsta Studios/Monsta! None of the characters are mine!!


"Boboiboy! We don't want to fight you! " yaya yelled to boboiboy. Meanwhile ying and fang is preparing for probably the last fight since they are fighting the most powerful human being. "Please don't make us do this.. " ying yells with an angry tone. "I.. I'm sorry but I have to fight you all" boboiboy replied while making his fighting stance.

(Okay I don't want that hard, vocabs are ruining my brain right now- I'll just revert it to normal)

Fang uses his shadow tiger to get boboiboy but he quickly jump up using his wind powers. Yaya took a big rock and throw it to boboiboy but he dodges it. It's boboiboy's turn to attack. Boboiboy uses halilintar's sword to charge at fang and ying. (Halilintar is too popular right now) boboiboy charges and fortunately, fang dodges it back. Same as Ying. Then.."akar pengikat! " boboiboy uses thorns power to capture yaya. But phew! Yaya can fly much higher! Oh but someone will be replacing their opponent.

Reverse : oh brother, don't waste your energy on them. Let me handle this.

Boboiboy : oh no..

Reverse : boboiboy, could you hold me these for a while?

Reverse handed gopal's Powerwatch to boboiboy everyone is so shocked by reverse next sentence.

Reverse : suck that power to your Powerwatch and we can have a new friend.

Fang : what! This is not fair!

Reverse : and? You're not playing fair either.

Water near reverse is levitating. It looks like reverse gonna use Ice's powers. The water drops suddenly turns into pointy ices in different shapes. Reverse jumps high and the water makes a tower-tall-skinny mountain shape and reverse is standing on that shaped water(I am getting the deja vu of yesus right now💀).

Reverse : let me turn the heat up in this fight.

The pointy ices are thrown to the trio. They barely made it. Some of the trio's fabric/hair was cut off because of how hard to dodge those things.


Gopal shots some of the pointy ices and turn it into candy canes. Reverse notices this and quickly look at boboiboy. He was missing. Reverse stopped his throwing.

Reverse : where is he you freaks?!

Fang : Gopal how did you-

Gopal : waa let's just run to shippp!!

Gopal runs towards the ship and is followed by Ying, yaya, and fang.

Reverse followed them too but he was to late. The ship already fled to the sky(fly high🚀).

Reverse : shit..

With the gang

Gopal : yeahhh!! We escaped!!

Yaya : but what about boboiboy?

Fang then realizes that Gopal in carrying a cloth bag. Fang reaction was hilarious.

Fang : Gopal, did you kidnap boboiboy?

Gopal : Yess!!

Ying : you-

Yaya : that's not how we wanted to save him but atleast he's here.

Fang : hey Gopal could you- let go of boboiboy-?

Gopal then open the cloth bag and— oh! Boboiboy is asleep!

Ying : gopal- why is boboiboy like that-???

Gopal : dey I don't know what should I do to get him so I turn something to a pan and hit him!

Fang : oh my-

Ying : ishhhhh-!

Yaya : we should get going guys, reverse will probably get him back! We have to be fast or else he might track or even destroy us!

Ying : yeah we should- GOPAL! YOU DIDN'T SAVE PAPAZOLA TOO?!

Gopal : he was also missing!!

Fang : let's just go. We have to get to the dark blue planet again and check on the other team.

Fang goes to the control room and fly the ship.

Fang : our destination is.. Planet X.


Unlike other chapters, this is short one. Only because I don't have fighting ideas(I'm not wibu!!).

Also sorry for the long disappearance, Im on period rn. Usually, whenever I'm on my period, my mind is extremely dirty and boboiboy already been a victim of my dirty mind. And since this book doesn't have ships, I don't want to dirty this pure one so I isolated myself and never write until my period is done.

Also, the animation isn't actually cancelled, it's gonna be a really longggg wait. Updates about the animation only available on my alter book.

734 words.

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