Chapter 1

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WARNING : This story will contain mature topics, such as : implied and explicit self-harm, blood, violence, mental issues, and more. 

I DO NOT wish for the readers to think that I want to belittle them or make fun of them, this is simply how I thought the characters out.

If you are uncomfortable with those subjects, please do not force yourself to read.

To those who will read the story, thank you, and enjoy.

Fate. A word that signify that everyone already have their life planned out, from the beginning to the end of it. 

Either it was the most beautiful life, the most modest one, or the baddest one, Fate didn't care. Fate was doing what humans wanted from it.

Some people believed in it, some didn't.

Some people loved it, some hated it.

Y/N was a person who didn't believe in fate, and hated this idea. 

If fate was indeed a real thing, and everything was already set in motion before anything could think about it, what was the point of living and trying to be better each day ?

Won't you be just a puppet of some sorts ?

Then, the idea of free-will couldn't exist. If your life had already been planned out, then you were forced without knowing to play a role.

And Y/N hated this thought.

Because if it truly existed, it must mean that fate was just raw-dogging him.

Let's be honest, Y/N didn't have the worst life, not at all, actually.

He had loving parents, they never were short on money. His house life was something a lot of humans only dreamt of having.

When he thought that fate was a bitch, it was because of what happened in middle school.

But Y/N shook his head as it would kill the rest of his day.

Y/N turned his attention at the window he was just at its side. The mathematics class never interested him, he understood the basics, and it was enough for him.

Y/N's mind could wander off easily, and sometimes it could spiral into some fragmented memories of random moments of his past. 

Sometime it hurt, sometime it made him smile, sometime it made him indifferent. It was a good thing that Y/N was looking at the window or was 'asleep' on his desk when he had those moments. 

Even if he doesn't like it, he was a expressive man. 

"Y/N ?~" A voice stopped Y/N from thinking as he looked at his right. A girl with coral pink hair which was cut at her length of her chin looked at him with a bit of a smile.

"Do you know the answer please ?" She whispered whilst looking a bit lost, but at the same time, she looked happy.

Y/N just scoffed at the girl's expression as it would always remain a mystery for him. "Take it, be careful to not recopy identically. " Y/N said as he gave his answer sheet to the girl, who beamed in happiness. They both looked at the teacher to only found her nose deep into some more sheets.

"Thank you, Y/N, you a lifesaver !" She exclaimed with a whisper and a bit smile. Which made Y/N smile in return. "I won't have your ass in the final exams, Sayori." He whispered back, which only had been responded by with a thumbs-up by Sayori before she frantically write everything.

Several minutes later, the bell rang as the final class has ended. Sayori quickly gave Y/N's sheet back but made it slowly fall. 

As fate would allow, the teacher saw that and walked towards the pair. "Why is your test on the ground, Mr. L/N ?" She asked with a somewhat irritated voice. "Didn't mean to, guess waking up does that for me." Y/N said as he faked a yawn and a stretch as the teacher looked at him with suspicious eyes. She grabbed it and sighed.

"Stop sleeping in my class." She said as she made her way towards her desk. "Alright, everyone put your test on my desk please." The teacher said with some boredom as all the students went for it. But as Y/N's copy was already on her desk, he decided to take his bag and go towards the door. He had a appointment with his bed today.

"Y/N, wait !" Sayori called out Y/N before he could walk out. "As I said earlier, no problem." Y/N only said as he started to walk away from Sayori. But she seemed to have something else to say as she grabbed Y/N's right blazer sleeve.

He could only stopped and turn around, looking at Sayori. "Didn't you forget something that you said you'd do today ?" She asked, with a slight smile plastered on her face. "I said that my bed is missing me, yeah." Y/N said as he looked somewhat bored.

"Not that ! You said that you'd visit my club !" Sayori yelled, earning everyone's attention. And Y/N's surprise with a sigh. "Did I really ? Or are you making it up ?" Y/N said while raising a eyebrow.

"Not this time, I swear on Macaron !" Sayori said, Y/N sighed as she was telling the truth.

During the month where Y/N transferred here, the first and only person who talked to him was Sayori, which when launched, couldn't be stopped. So much that Y/N knew that Macaron was her corgi dog she had since she was 11. And he knew that Sayori loved the dog to death. He had seen at least 250 reasons in forms of photos to back his hunch.

"Let's make it quick then." Y/N said without hiding his bitterness as Sayori jumped from joy. "Yay ! Another member coming up girls !" Sayori said as she took Y/N's arm and dragged it towards the second floor, where resided the club activities. "I never said I'd be joining." Y/N said to Sayori but his words fell into deaf ears as they walked.

Y/N was never a fan of clubs, but he respected it nonetheless. It takes courage to open up about one's passion. But as far as his personality goes, he knew that somewhat, even if you had the courage, it wasn't wise to talk about your hobbies.

"You did mention that you like to read, and sometimes write, ain't that right ?" Sayori said as they finished to walk up the stairs, leading on the second floor. "I should shut my mouth sometimes." He said with a sigh, which Sayori replied with a laugh. "Nobody can shut their mouth when I am around, that's one of my specials." Sayori positively said, beaming a smile towards Y/N.

"Yeah, yeah, you've said it at least 10 times this week." Y/N said, holding back a smile. As far as Y/N wanted to be alone in this new High School, Sayori managed to be funny and cool to hang with. Even if sometimes she's a bit much to handle for one man.

"Here we are !" Sayori said while running towards a sliding door. Y/N didn't bother running after her as she waited for him. "Come on slow poke, we've arrived !" Sayori yelled as Y/N just walked besides her.  "You're just too fast, and somehow, tireless." Y/N said as he yawned a bit. 

"Ready ?" Sayori said excitedly, which Y/N replied by a soft, but hardly recognizable smile. "Yep." He said, and as soon as he said it, Sayori made the door slide to the right with a unknown speed.

"We've got a new member !"

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