Chapter 13

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A date. A romantic fueled encounter with the one you like or want to pursue a romantic relationship. Normally, if one asked the question, one must have a plan or at least something planned for the meeting. Normally.

Y/N wasn't a normal boy.

He stayed awake until 1AM with the hope to find a good plan. Going into a café, a picnic, a movie, a restaurant. The ideas were popping in his head, but couldn't even choose one. He knew Yuri liked coffee, so a café seemed to be the safe bet, but it seemed too normal for a date. A picnic, a good idea if you had a park to sit and eat in, but the closest one was at 15 minutes on foot. A movie, depending on the movie, it could be a good idea. Y/N knew Yuri was a fan of horror stuff, but when he saw that the closest cinema didn't air horror movies, the idea was thrown into the garbage. A restaurant, he needed to have something fancy to wear at least, he had a black suit, but didn't know if Yuri would have something to wear.

Needless to say, Y/N's mind was turning at full speed.

Waking up by the sound of his alarm, he turned off quickly as he stood up and made his way to the kitchen. He finished the rest of the orange juice and decided to not waste time. As he went into his morning routine, he reminisced over and over again for his ideas. He knew that he had the ingredients, so a picnic would still be good ? But where ? A café seemed chill and relaxed, but will it feel special ?

He wanted to convey all of his attention and feelings to Yuri, she was the one he loved. He wanted to make her feel special during the date, but how ?

If Y/N had known, he'd move the date for the incoming Friday.

And then, a sudden lightbulb in his head just got on. He heard it from one of the numerous nostalgic talk with his father. 'Sometime, simplicity is the best thing one could ask.' Y/N smirked to himself as he didn't know if his father just wanted to talk about a past date with his mother, or just said an advice.

Nonetheless, he felt happy with his choice as he finished to put his school uniform. Since it was at the start of April, the student could switch to the summer form of the uniform. Which consisted of the same pants, but you could put lighter clothes for the top. As such, Y/N opted for the classic white buttoned shirt with a red tie. He still threw on a sleeveless black hoodie incase the weather will be changing.

He didn't know if the school will be alright if that, but didn't really care.

Once he stepped out of his bathroom, he looked at his phone, reading that Yuri was on her way, and wanted to meet her as soon as possible. So he grabbed his bag, his keys and went out of the house.

"Hey, Yuri." Y/N said as he waved at her direction. Yuri looked at him and smiled as she walked faster to be at his left. "Hello, Y/N." Yuri said, her smile showing her happiness. "How are you ?" Y/N said as they started to walk towards school. "I'm good, great even. And you ?" Yuri responded, eyeing his right hand with envy. "I'm great, can't wait for this afternoon." Y/N said as he smiled at Yuri, which blushed but nodded as well. "I am too." She responded as her left hand shyly and slowly made its way towards Y/N's right.

"I-Is it alri-" Yuri started, but stopped herself as she felt a warm and soft embrace around her left hand, she looked at it and found at Y/N's right hand was already intertwined with her left one.

"I beat you to it. Be faster next time.~" Y/N said with a seductive smile, Yuri couldn't lie about him, she found Y/N beautiful, and sometimes hot. This time was both of them, as Yuri couldn't look at him in the eyes. She simply smiled shyly as she looked at her right, playing with a flock of hair. "Did I say that you're almost too cute for my heart ?" Y/N asked teasingly, it was quite a change, two weeks ago he began to shut himself off, and then, he went all out.

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