Part 7: Baby names

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As The Miz and Valerie contemplated names for their second twin, Valerie's suggestion of "Legend" hung in the air, sparking a moment of thoughtful consideration between them.

The Miz looked at Valerie with a mix of surprise and intrigue. "Legend," he repeated, testing the name on his lips. "I like it. It's unique, just like our little ones."

Valerie smiled, her eyes shining with excitement. "I've always loved the idea of giving our children names that inspire greatness," she explained, her voice filled with conviction. "And 'Legend' embodies that perfectly."

The Miz nodded in agreement, feeling a surge of pride at the thought of his children growing up to be legends in their own right. "Legend it is, then," he declared, reaching out to squeeze Valerie's hand affectionately.

With their decision made, The Miz and Valerie felt a sense of excitement and anticipation for the future, knowing that their twins, George and Legend, would be destined for greatness. As they looked ahead to the journey of parenthood that lay before them, they knew that with love and support, their family would continue to thrive and flourish, creating a legacy that would truly be legendary. Feeling the urgency in Valerie's voice, The Miz hurried downstairs to get more strawberries, eager to fulfill her request. Excited for the upcoming arrival of George and Legend, Valerie, along with the Bella Twins, embarked on a fun-filled baby shopping adventure. They made their way through the aisles of the store, perusing adorable boy clothes, colorful toys, and essential baby supplies.

Nikki and Brie oohed and aahed over tiny onesies and cute little outfits, their excitement contagious as they imagined dressing up the twins in the adorable clothes they found. Valerie's eyes sparkled with joy as she picked out soft blankets, cuddly toys, and all the essentials they would need for the babies' arrival.

Together, they filled their cart with diapers, bottles, and baby food, making sure they had everything they would need to care for the twins once they arrived. As they wandered through the store, laughter and chatter filled the air, creating precious memories that they would cherish for years to come.

With their arms full of baby supplies and their hearts full of excitement, Valerie, Nikki, and Brie headed to the checkout, eager to bring their treasures home in anticipation of the twins' arrival. As they left the store, their spirits high and their bond stronger than ever, they knew that they were ready to embark on this incredible journey of motherhood together. After their successful baby shopping spree, Valerie, Nikki, and Brie decided to treat themselves to a well-deserved meal at their favorite restaurant. The anticipation of becoming mothers filled the air with excitement as they chatted animatedly about their plans for the future.

As they settled into their seats, the aroma of delicious food wafted through the air, tantalizing their taste buds. Nikki and Brie exchanged knowing glances, their smiles reflecting the shared joy of their friendship with Valerie.

Over plates of mouthwatering dishes and refreshing drinks, they laughed and reminisced about old times, their conversation ranging from baby names to parenting tips and everything in between. Each moment was filled with warmth and camaraderie, reinforcing the deep bond that connected them as friends and soon-to-be mothers.

As they savored their meal and enjoyed each other's company, Valerie, Nikki, and Brie knew that they were embarking on an unforgettable journey together. As they raised their glasses in a toast to the future, they knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them with strength, resilience, and the unwavering support of each other by their side.

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