Part 44: Studying

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Queen welcomed Myra, Gill, and Michael into her home with a warm smile. "Hey guys, come on in!" she said, holding the door open.

As they stepped inside, the cozy living room with its plush couches and family photos on the walls greeted them. George and Legend were sprawled out on the couch, engrossed in "Madea's Family Funeral."

Queen gestured towards the staircase. "We're heading up to my room. I've got snacks, flashcards, and everything we need. My mom and dad are bringing pizza and burgers soon. And don't worry about my brothers—they won't be joining us today."

Michael chuckled, "Sounds perfect. Lead the way."

They followed Queen up the stairs, and she led them into her room. It was spacious and well-decorated with posters of her favorite bands and a large desk covered in study materials. On the floor, a cozy rug was spread out with an array of snacks—chips, cookies, and drinks—arranged neatly on it. In one corner, a couple of bean bags were positioned for comfortable seating.

As soon as everyone was inside, Queen closed and locked the door, ensuring they wouldn't be disturbed by George and Legend. "Alright, let's get started. I've got flashcards for history and math. Who wants to start with what?"

Myra plopped down on a bean bag and grabbed a bag of chips. "I'll take history. I need all the help I can get."

Gill, ever the studious one, settled on the floor with his back against the bed. "I'm good with math. Let's tackle those equations."

Michael sat cross-legged on the rug, reaching for a soda. "I'm up for anything. Just point me in the right direction."

As they divided the subjects, the room was soon filled with a mix of studying and laughter. They quizzed each other, shared tips, and even managed to sneak in a few jokes.

After a while, there was a knock on the door. Queen jumped up, knowing it must be her parents with the food. "Pizza and burgers are here!" she announced excitedly as she opened the door.

Her parents, Valerie and Miz, stood there with big smiles and arms full of food. "Hope you're all hungry," Miz said, handing over the pizza boxes and bags of burgers.

"Thanks, Mom and Dad!" Queen said, taking the food and placing it on her desk. "You guys are the best."

Valerie smiled. "Enjoy, kids. We'll be downstairs if you need anything."

As they left, Queen quickly locked the door again and turned back to her friends. "Alright, let's eat and then get back to it."

The group eagerly dug into the food, their study session momentarily turning into a mini feast. They chatted about school, life, and their plans for the future.

Michael leaned back, munching on a burger. "You know, this isn't so bad. Studying with friends makes it a lot more bearable."

Queen nodded, smiling. "Yeah, it does. We should do this more often."

With their bellies full and spirits high, they returned to their study materials, feeling more connected and motivated than ever. The evening passed quickly, filled with productivity and bonding, making it a night they'd all remember fondly. Michael sighed in frustration, staring at his math sheet. He was only on question one, while everyone else was far ahead, already tackling questions 39 and 46. Queen had set a rule that nobody could help each other until everyone was finished, but he was struggling.

Seeing the stress on Michael's face, Queen felt a pang of sympathy. She decided to bend the rules a bit. "Hey, guys," she said, trying to sound casual, "I think we should help each other out a bit. It's more important that we understand the material than just getting through it alone, right?"

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