Part 21: Christmas Eve birthday

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As Christmas Eve descended upon the Mizanin household, there was an extra sparkle in the air, for it was not only a time for celebrating the holiday season but also a special milestone in Steven's life. Turning one on Christmas Eve made the day doubly special, and Valerie and The Miz were overjoyed to celebrate their youngest child's birthday.

With smiles on their faces and hearts full of love, the family gathered to mark the occasion with a short but sweet birthday party for Steven. The living room was adorned with colorful decorations and a festive birthday banner, creating a cheerful backdrop for the celebration.

Valerie and The Miz beamed with pride as they watched their little boy, surrounded by his siblings, George, Legend, and Queen, as well as their extended family and friends. The room was filled with laughter and joy as they sang "Happy Birthday" to Steven, who giggled with delight at the attention.

After blowing out the single candle on his birthday cake—a special cake adorned with holiday-themed decorations and his name spelled out in frosting—Steven dug into his first taste of birthday sweetness, his face lighting up with excitement at the sugary treat.

As the celebration continued, Valerie and The Miz exchanged glances filled with love and gratitude, thankful for the blessing of their growing family and the joy that Steven had brought into their lives. And as they watched their children play and laugh together, they knew that this Christmas Eve birthday celebration would be a cherished memory for years to come. As the excitement of the day wound down and the children nestled into bed, Valerie and The Miz took a quiet moment to reflect on the day's festivities. With the house now quiet, they found themselves drawn to the warmth of each other's company, a sense of contentment settling over them like a cozy blanket.

With a shared glance and a knowing smile, they reached for the phone and dialed The Miz's parents, eager to extend their Christmas greetings despite the distance that separated them. As they exchanged heartfelt wishes and updates on their lives, there was a bittersweet tinge to their conversation, knowing that COVID-19 had prevented them from being together in person.

Despite the physical distance, their love and connection remained strong, bridging the gap between them even as they celebrated. They shared stories and laughter, reminiscing about past Christmases and looking forward to the day when they could reunite in person once again.

As they bid farewell and exchanged promises to stay safe and healthy, Valerie and The Miz felt a sense of gratitude for the love and support of their family, even in challenging times. And as they settled in for the night, they knew that though they may be apart, they were still together in spirit, united by the bonds of love and the magic of Christmas. As the clock ticked closer to midnight and the house grew quiet with the peaceful slumber of their children, Valerie and The Miz tiptoed around the living room, exchanging whispered conversations as they wrapped the last of the Christmas gifts.

With careful hands and tender smiles, they lovingly wrapped each present, their hearts filled with anticipation for the joy they would bring come Christmas morning. As they finished the task at hand, The Miz bid Valerie goodnight, his steps soft as he made his way to bed.

Left alone in the glow of the Christmas tree lights, Valerie seized the moment to sneak away and retrieve something special she had hidden away. With a glance to ensure she wasn't being watched, she carefully retrieved a pregnancy test from its hiding spot and tucked it into a long box, wrapping it with delicate care.

With a mixture of excitement and nervousness fluttering in her chest, Valerie wrapped the box, her hands trembling slightly as she secured the paper and tied it with a bow. As she surveyed her handiwork, a wave of emotion washed over her, the weight of the moment settling in her heart.

With the gift now wrapped and placed beneath the tree, Valerie retreated to the comfort of her bed, her mind abuzz with thoughts of what the future might hold. With a silent prayer in her heart, she settled beneath the covers, her dreams filled with hopes and possibilities for the journey that lay ahead. With the first light of Christmas morning filtering through the curtains, excitement bubbled within the Mizanin household. As the children stirred awake, their eyes alight with anticipation, they wasted no time in rousing their parents from their slumber.

"Mom! Dad! Wake up! It's Christmas!" they exclaimed, their voices filled with joy and excitement.

Valerie and The Miz exchanged a sleepy smile before groggily rising from their beds, the promise of Christmas magic pulling them from their dreams. With a quick stretch and a yawn, they followed their eager children downstairs, where the Christmas tree stood adorned with twinkling lights and a colorful array of presents beneath its branches.

The sight brought smiles to their faces, their hearts swelling with love and gratitude for the blessings of the season. As they gathered around the tree, Valerie and The Miz exchanged knowing glances, their excitement growing as they watched their children eagerly tear into their gifts.

With each present unwrapped, the room filled with laughter and shouts of delight, the joy of Christmas morning infusing every corner of the house. And as the last gift was opened, Valerie's eyes caught sight of the special box she had wrapped the night before, nestled among the others beneath the tree.

With a glance at The Miz, she reached for the box, her heart racing with anticipation. As she unwrapped it with trembling hands, she revealed the pregnancy test inside, her breath catching in her throat as she met The Miz's eyes with a mix of excitement and nervousness.

At that moment, as their children looked on with wide-eyed wonder, Valerie and The Miz shared a silent exchange, their hearts overflowing with hope and possibility for the future. As they embraced, surrounded by the love of their family, they knew that no matter what the test revealed, their journey together would be filled with endless love, joy, and the magic of Christmas. As the realization dawned upon their children that Valerie was pregnant with another baby, the room erupted with joy and excitement. Their eyes widened with wonder, and smiles broke across their faces as they embraced their parents with hugs and cheers.

Valerie and The Miz exchanged beaming smiles, their hearts filled with happiness at the sheer delight radiating from their children. Tears of joy welled in Valerie's eyes as she felt the warmth of their love enveloping her, while The Miz stood by her side, his expression a mix of pride and elation.

In that moment, surrounded by the love and support of their family, Valerie and The Miz felt a profound sense of gratitude for the blessing of new life. As they basked in the glow of their children's excitement, they knew that their family was about to embark on a new and joyous chapter together.

With each hug and congratulatory word, the room seemed to overflow with love and anticipation for the arrival of their newest family member. As they celebrated together, Valerie and The Miz knew that their home would always be filled with laughter, love, and the boundless joy that comes with the miracle of new life. As The Miz and Valerie basked in the joy of their children's excitement, The Miz couldn't help but express his wonder at the timing of Valerie's pregnancy. "How did this happen?" he asked, his voice filled with amazement.

Valerie chuckled softly, her eyes twinkling with mischief as she replied, "Well, remember when I lost my title in Paris?" she said with a playful grin.

The Miz's eyebrows shot up in surprise as realization dawned on him. "Oh, I see," he said, a mischievous smile spreading across his face. "So that's how it happened."

Valerie nodded, her smile widening as she wrapped her arms around him. "Sometimes, the best surprises come when you least expect them," she said, her voice filled with love and excitement for the journey ahead.

And as they shared a tender embrace, Valerie and The Miz knew that their family was about to embark on an incredible new adventure, filled with love, laughter, and the joy of welcoming a new little miracle into their lives.

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