Part 33: Legend and Charles

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Legend woke up to a quiet house and the soft ticking of the clock on the wall. He stretched and yawned, making his way downstairs. As he entered the kitchen, he noticed a note on the counter.

We will be back around 1:20 am.
Feed the dog and make sure he uses the bathroom.
Love you,
Mom (Val)"

Legend smiled, appreciating the clarity of the instructions. He walked over to the pantry, pulled out Charles's food, and filled his bowl. As the dog eagerly ate, Legend poured himself a bowl of cereal and sat down at the kitchen table.

After breakfast, he took Charles outside, watching as the little dog sniffed around the yard before doing his business. The sun was setting, casting a warm orange glow over everything. Legend took a deep breath, enjoying the calm and solitude.

With the chores done, he decided to relax on the couch with a book. The quiet house gave him a rare moment of peace, a stark contrast to the usual hustle and bustle. As the hours passed, he read, occasionally glancing at the clock.

Around 1:00 am, Legend started to feel sleepy, but he stayed up, wanting to greet his family when they returned. Right on time, he heard the familiar sound of the garage door opening and his family's cheerful chatter as they entered the house.

"Legend, we're back!" Val called out, her voice filled with warmth.

Legend stood up, stretching his arms. "Hey, everyone. How was your night?"

Valerie walked over and hugged him. "It was good. Thanks for taking care of things here."

Miz ruffled Legend's hair as he walked by. "You're the best, buddy."

Legend smiled, feeling a sense of pride and love. As his siblings headed to their rooms and the house settled back into its usual rhythm, he knew that nights like this, even with their quiet moments, were what made their family strong. Legend climbed the stairs, feeling the tiredness from staying up late and starting to catch up with him. As he entered his room, he saw Charles curled up in the middle of his bed, fast asleep. The sight of the little chihuahua made him smile.

"Hey, Charles," Legend whispered, not wanting to disturb the dog's peaceful slumber. He carefully slid into bed, making sure to give Charles enough space. The dog barely stirred, only shifting slightly to snuggle closer to Legend.

As he settled under the covers, Legend felt a deep sense of contentment. The house was quiet again, but this time, it was filled with the comforting knowledge that his family was safe and sound and that they had these little moments of love and togetherness to cherish.

With Charles's gentle breathing beside him and the comforting weight of the blanket over him, Legend closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep, looking forward to whatever adventures tomorrow might bring.

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