Part 43: Dowser

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In their fourth-period class, the atmosphere was tense. Mr. Dowser, known for his strict and unyielding demeanor, had made it clear that no one was to leave their seat. Queen and Myra exchanged frustrated glances, each feeling the weight of the rigid rules.

Mr. Dowser's voice boomed through the classroom, "Stay in your seat without asking. No bathroom breaks, no water fountain trips. You're here to learn, not wander around."

Queen sighed inwardly, feeling trapped. Suddenly, she noticed a folded piece of paper sliding onto her desk. Glancing up, she saw Michael giving her a subtle nod from across the room. She quickly unfolded the note.

"Maybe in the sixth period, we can sit together or not."

A small smile tugged at the corners of Queen's lips. The idea of sitting with Michael later was a comforting thought amidst the current chaos. She discreetly tucked the note into her pocket, already looking forward to their next class.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the room, Myra was startled when a piece of paper landed on her desk. She turned to see Gill, the school nerd who had harbored a crush on her since fifth grade, looking nervously in her direction. Myra opened the note.

"Hey Myra, I've been wanting to talk to you for a while. Maybe we could hang out sometime?"

Myra glanced at Gill, who quickly averted his eyes, his cheeks turning a shade of pink. She wasn't sure how to respond. While she had always thought of Gill as just a friend, his note made her realize he saw her differently.

As the class dragged on, both Queen and Myra found it increasingly difficult to concentrate. Queen's mind wandered to Michael and the possibility of sitting with him in sixth period, while Myra was preoccupied with Gill's unexpected confession.

Finally, the bell rang, signaling the end of the fourth period. Mr. Dowser reminded everyone to stay seated until he dismissed them, adding to the students' collective impatience. When they were finally allowed to leave, Queen and Myra quickly gathered their things and headed out into the hallway.

"Can you believe Mr. Dowser?" Queen muttered as they walked. "He's so unreasonable."

Myra nodded. "I know. It's ridiculous."

Queen noticed Myra seemed distracted. "What's up with you?"

Myra hesitated before showing Queen the note from Gill. "I got this from Gill. He wants to hang out."

Queen raised an eyebrow. "Gill? Wow, I didn't know he had the guts to ask you. Are you going to?"

"I don't know," Myra admitted. "I've always seen him as just a friend. This is all a bit... sudden."

Queen nodded sympathetically. "Well, whatever you decide, just be honest with him. It's better that way."

As they approached their next class, Queen saw Michael waiting by the door. He smiled when he saw her, and she felt her heart flutter. Myra gave her a nudge. "Go on. I'll see you in the sixth period."

Queen took a deep breath and walked over to Michael. "Hey," she said, trying to sound casual.

"Hey," Michael replied. "Ready for the sixth period?"

Queen smiled. "Definitely. Let's sit together."

The rest of the day went by in a blur. Queen and Michael found a spot together in their sixth-period class, enjoying each other's company and talking whenever they could. Myra, meanwhile, decided to speak to Gill and let him know how she felt. Though it wasn't the response he had hoped for, Gill appreciated her honesty, and they agreed to remain friends.

As the final bell rang, Queen and Myra met outside, both feeling relieved that the day was over. They walked home together, talking about their experiences and the day's events.

"So, how was sitting with Michael?" Myra asked with a grin.

"It was nice," Queen admitted, blushing slightly. "I think we're going to be good friends."

"And Gill?" Queen asked.

"We talked," Myra said. "I told him the truth, and he took it well. We're still friends."

Queen smiled. "I'm glad. It's been quite a day, huh?"

Myra laughed. "Yeah, it has. But we made it through."

As they parted ways, Queen felt a sense of contentment. Despite the challenges and unexpected moments, she knew she had her friends by her side. And with Michael in the picture, the future seemed a little brighter. As Queen and Myra walked to their next class, they couldn't help but vent about Mr. Dowser. The climb up the stairs seemed less tedious as they exchanged their frustrations.

"Can you believe Mr. Dowser?" Queen said, shaking her head. "He acts like we're prisoners."

"I know, right?" Myra agreed. "He's so strict. No bathroom breaks, no water fountain trips. It's like he's forgotten we're humans, not robots."

Queen chuckled. "Exactly. I don't get how he thinks that helps us learn."

They reached the top of the stairs and continued their conversation as they navigated through the crowded hallway.

"You know, even with all the strict rules, my grades are still good," Queen said proudly. "I guess I just know how to work the system."

Myra sighed. "I wish I could say the same. My grades are all over the place. Half good, half bad. It's so frustrating."

Queen gave her friend a supportive look. "Don't worry about it too much, Myra. You're smart, and you're capable. Sometimes it just takes finding the right method or teacher that works for you."

"Thanks, Queen," Myra said, smiling a little. "I appreciate it. I'm trying my best, but sometimes it feels like no matter how hard I work, it's not enough."

They walked into their next class and took their seats. Queen leaned closer to Myra and whispered, "Just keep at it. If you ever need help, I'm here. We can study together or I can help you with some of the subjects you're struggling with."

Myra nodded, feeling a bit more hopeful. "Thanks, Queen. That means a lot. Maybe we can start this weekend?"

"Sounds like a plan," Queen replied with a smile.

The bell rang, signaling the start of class, and the room quieted down. As they settled in, Queen couldn't help but feel grateful for their friendship. Despite the challenges and frustrations with teachers like Mr. Dowser, she knew she and Myra would support each other and make it through together. 

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