Pt.62 summer

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I slide my back down on the counter sitting on the floor

I bring my legs to my chest and wrap my arms around my legs

"Shit shit shit" I fight tears as I try taking deep breaths

"Why now why?" A panic attack was settling and wasn't going to leave

I couldnt fight my tears and started crying

You could definitely hear me cry because I couldn't catch my breath

"Y/n wh-" Benny pops his head through the doorway

I hide my face because I hate when someone sees me cry

It always makes me cry more because I get embarrassed

I had been having a panic attack for at least 15 minutes

"Hey hey hey look at me" Benny sat down

He cupped my face in his hands turning my head towards him

"I don't know what's wrong with me Benny" I say between cries

"What are Five things you can touch"

I look around "the floor the counter you uh me and the rug" he nods

"Four things you can see" I think

"The walls my hands the shower your face and the mirror"

We continued going through the five senses

After k was a little better but still in a panicky state

"Y/n what happened?" I shrug

"I I don't know I was sleeping and I had a nightmare then I came in here to clean my face" he lets go of my face

He instead holds both my hands in his staring into my eyes

"Benny why am I like this?" I ask fighting more tears

Benny pov

I stare at y/n

She had a panic attack and I was now comforting her

She asked something and I froze hearing the words sting

"Benny why am I like this?" Her eyes were filling with tears as she tried holding them back

"Because you've gone through a lot it's not your fault" I pull her into a tight hug kissing the top of her head

I rub my hand on her back as she cries into my chest not letting go of me

"Benny don't leave" she mutters as her crying starts to die down

"I'll never leave you" she nods

After y/n had calmed down and me asking her almost a hundred times if she was okay

She called her dad letting him know how everything was going

I didn't pay that close attention to the conversation

"Okay the calls done" I sit up

"How was it?" She shrugs

"He sounded nervous like he was going to tell me my aunt died or something" I nod

After we talked for a little bit we made ourselves some food

Y/n made herself a cheese pizza and I made a pepperoni pizza

We both ate the whole thing before heading back to her room

I turned on some music as we talked about random stuff

After a while y/n fell asleep with me holding her in my arms

A elvis song started playing and I wanted to turn it off but I couldn't wake y/n

*god I hate that singer*

I started thinking about life instead of listening to the song

*I can't believe there's less than 7 days until summers over*

*I wonder why Mr.Phillips was so nervous on the phone*

*this summer was an emotional roller coaster wasnt it? I mean first y/n gets beat up then her and Kacy stop being friends, I start dating y/n Kacy starts dating Jake Jake and Kacy break up which leads to Kacy hurting herself, now Kacy is in the psych ward, yeah yeah kisses y/n then gets grounded for weeks, y/n gets a dog. I mean there's been so many good and bad things that happened I don't know if I should call this a bad summer or a great one*

I soon fall asleep after thinking about all that's happened recently

656 words

Hey y'all if you have any feedback on this story leave it here
Y'all aren't gonna like the ending that's coming but I have had no other ideas of how to end it

Also got no comment on this part so

Peace and I love yall so much byeeeeeee :)

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