Chapter 4: Chaos Emerald Chaos

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It's now a month, since the Wachowskis took in Sonic and his friends.

Everyone was gathered at the Thorndyke Mansion in Chuck's workshop as the mobians tell them how they got to Earth. Sonic was wearing his original gloves and sneakers.

"So this Chaos Control created a warp in time and space, and that's how you guys ended up here." Chris said, then given it a think about. "Hmm... I think I understand that much, but I still don't understand these Chaos Emeralds you guys are talking about."

"You never heard of the Chaos Emeralds?" Tails questioned. "Boy, you really do have a lot to learn, don't ya!"

"Each Chaos Emerald is filled with a magical power, so you can imagine what would happen if you found all seven!" Amy explained.

Chuck turned around his chair and said "But no one has found all seven Emeralds, and now it's highly improbable that anyone ever will find them."

"Why is that?" Cream asked.

"Well, you see, Cream, every one of the precious Chaos Emeralds has disappeared."

"That doesn't mean they're gone for good." Sonic said as they all turned to him. "Any time the seven Chaos Emeralds come together in one place, they scatter and disappear all over again."

"Then that means they're all still out there someplace!" Chris said.

"That's right!" The hedgehog said, giving him a thumbs up.

"Only we don't have any way of knowing where. If they're on this planet, that's good; but if they're still on Mobius, where we came from, we may never get home!" Tails said.

'And I don't actually wanna leave mom and dad. We've been living with them for a month now.' Sonic thought to himself.

"That's pretty bad, isn't it, Tom?" Maddie asked her husband.

"Seems bad. I still don't know where Sonic's stealth suit came from." Tom said.

Chuck then yawned. "Listen. If the Emeralds are somewhere on this planet, and if we can find some way to locate them all, maybe we'll be able to reverse that time warp! You guys will be back on your home planet before you know it." he then turned to Sonic. "Right, Sonic?"

"Yeah! No worries!" the blue hedgehog said, trying to hide away his sadness.


The next two days passed,  Sonic, having to decided to be alone for a bit, sat on the couch in the living room, with the sadness coming back.

'I don't wanna go home... I've been so close to mom and dad since the day they met me. I can't let them loose me. They were suppose to have a kid, but they don't now!' he thought, crossing his arms. 'Longclaw, what do I do?!' He then looks to his side, seeing a note on the stealth suit and read it 'Dear Sonic, if you are reading this, then something must have happened to me. I gave you the stealth suit for your own saftey if you ever get caught by any humans who tried to find you, use it and get out of there. I love you so much. From Longclaw.' his eyes widen. His caretaker, of all the people of Mobius, gave that suit to him. How did she know about the humans? 'Thank you, Longclaw.'

He then decided to watch the news, just in case of any Eggman attacks.

He saw the construction sight's chaos.

'That's odd. Mom and dad told me that there wasn't too much chaos before they met me and the others.'

"An unusual gemstone was discovered today at a department store construction site. Eyewitnesses at the site report that construction machinery seemed to malfunction whenever it came within close contact of this strange jewel." a news reporter said.

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