Chapter 7: Techno Teacher

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For the past few days, the mobians were still out to find the Chaos Emeralds.

Well, as for Sonic, needless to say, he still wasn't feeling better.

He pouted whenever he saw Tails, Cream, Cheese and Amy leave the house.

He and Ozzy were in his room, until they saw Amy opening the door.

"How are you feeling, Sonic?"

"I'm fine. I still feel unwell and depressed."

The pink hedgehog sighed dreamily. "He's so mysterious..."

"What was that?"


"I know I heard something! Just... leave me be. I need rest to recover. And if Eggman shows up again, he is getting to my bad side."

"There you are, Amy." They heard Tom said. "I've got some news from the Thorndykes."

A while later, everyone gathered in the bedroom, with an annoyed Sonic, still upset.

"Okay. So what I heard is that Chris' parents are coming to see him and if we brought you guys over, it would be a problem." the sheriff explained.

"Gotcha. No problem. We'll stay here for the time being." Tails said.

"Yeah, sure! You can count on us to stay in the house." Amy said.

"It won't be long." Maddie said. "Tom will be on his sheriff duties for a bit."

Tom then looks at Sonic, who was a bit upset.

"Hey bud..." he puts his hand on his son's shoulder but he moves away. "Is he mad at us?"

"No way. Don't mind him. It might be the mood-swings again." Amy said.

"I hope."

Everyone gets out of the room as Tom looks at Sonic.

"Don't worry, Sonic. I'll be back. Maddie's off work for a while, so you could talk to her sometime." the sheriff said, but Sonic remained silent and nods, making Tom walk out of his room and get to his sheriff duties.

The hedgehog lies down, staring at the celling and sighed.

"Maybe I was a bit to harsh on him." he muttered to himself.


Tom had been out for a while as Sonic looked out the window.

He hated his mood-swings and his sickness.

'Maybe watching some TV'll clear my mind.' he thought to himself.

He headed to the living room, seeing Maddie was already there.

"Sonic, what's wrong?"

"Sorry, mom. Just decided to watch some TV. Where're the others?"

"Tails is busy with the Tornado. Maria, Cream, Cheese and Amy are outside, having a picnic."

" Since you're here....I was wondering....if we could have.... some mother and son time? I-I mean, if that's okay with you."

"...Sonic, of course it's okay."



A while later, Tom arrives home, which surprises Sonic a lot, making the hedgehog's tail wag.

"You're home early." Maddie spoke.

"Because there's been a call."

"What call?"

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