Chapter 5: The mood-swinging sick hedgehog

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A week had passed ever since the incident of Eggman nearly getting a Chaos Emerald.

Everyone was very happy and well in the morning.

Except for one.

Sonic felt acting odd for a while in the morning and tears came through his face, like if he was crying. He doesn't know what he's crying for.

'Why am I crying? I'm suppose to be happy!' he thought to himself.

"Sonic?" he heard Tom call him. "Are you still not a morning person? Breakfast is already set up and-" when he went in, he trailed off when he sees his adopted son crying and rushed to him. "Sonic! Bud! What's wrong?!"

"I-I don't know!"

"Why are you crying?"

"I don't know! I just woke up like this!" 

"Tom?" Maddie called as she entered. "Is Sonic crying? I can hear him from the kitchen."

"He is. And he doesn't know what's made him upset."

The vet entered the room, seeing the hedgehog sobbing.

"Sonic, do you know why you're crying?"

"I-I-I don't know, mom!" he choked between sobs. "I-I just woke up like this!"

"Guys? What's going on?" they heard Tails call.

"Sonic's crying for no reason, which is odd!" Maddie called.


"Oh, poor Sonic." Cream said.

"Something is making him like this. And it is defiantly not N.I.D.S." Maria said.

The blue hedgehog continues to cry, with him not knowing what's gotten into him.

"C'mon, bud. You're gonna miss out breakfast." Tom said.

Sonic wiped his tears away and went off the bed and followed his adopted parents into the kitchen.

When breakfast started, Sonic didn't feel like eating, which made it odd.

"Did you guys notice Sonic didn't eat much of his breakfast?" Tails asked.

"Why?! Maddie and I worked so hard on those pancakes!" Amy said.

"Maddie, you should take him for a check-up." Tom said.

"I can't. How would they react that this is the same hedgehog who suffers six month torture and who defeated Dr Eggman." Maddie said.

"Why not take him to the vet clinic in your office?"

"...fine. If I don't have the same as human or mobian things, don't go blaming me."


It took a while for Maddie and Sonic to arrive to the vet without anyone noticing Sonic.

He sat down on the table while looking at his adopted mother.

"...Alright, Sonic. I'm gonna have to give you a check-up to see what's making you upset."

"Okay, mom...."

She checked his temperature, clearly it hasn't changed after she and Tom found him.

The rest went well. Clearly Sonic was healthy, but wasn't hungry.

"...Sonic." the vet started to speak.


"What did you feel when you woke up?"

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