Chapter 9: Father and son bond/Satellite Swindle

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(A/N: It's about time I got back into this, the previous chapter had Sonic and Maddie's mother and son bond, so I decided, while Tails was working on Tornado X, Sonic and Tom started doing some father and son bonding together. Anyway, on with the story!)

It had been a week ever since Ella and Tanaka knew about the mobians staying over and Sonic and Maddie's gardening.

Tails told him about the bucket list the hedgehog should do with his adopted parents, which was a good idea.

The mobians were at the Wachowskis' house, with Tails, Maria, Cream, Cheese and Amy in the kitchen, while Sonic, was flopping about on the couch, waiting for Tom and Maddie, wearing his original gloves and sneakers.

He should be lucky Ozzy was with him, having his head on the stomach.

'Eggman better be quite this time.' He thought to himself, until he heard the door open, seeing his adopted parents.

"You're back!" he smiled.

"It's great to be home." Tom said, ruffling the hedgehog's quills. "We've got a surprise for you, anyway."

"Really? What is it?"

A bag was placed down, as he looks inside, seeing a red and white snow coat with matching gloves and shoes and a pair of yellow goggles.

"...but it's not winter, yet. Why are you giving these to me if it's not winter?" he questioned.

"Well, Tom may or may not have seen your bucket list on going skiing and snowboarding." Maddie said.

Sonic facepalms. "I should've hidden it."

"But these are for you when you want to go skiing and snowboarding."

The hedgehog looked up at his adopted parents and smiles. "Thanks, you two."

Tails pops in from the kitchen. "Hey guys! You wanna go see Chris, Chuck, Mr Tanka and Ella?"

"I'm game. I'm taking these with me." Sonic pipped up.


After arriving at the Thorndyke Mansion, everyone was talking away.

Sonic wanted to talk, but was too upset, until Tom came beside him.

"Something on your mind, bud?"

"Yea- no.... It's nothing, dad. Just... worried if Eggman'll show up. I know it's unlike me, but still, I wanna protect my loved ones, like you, mom and my friends."

He looked at Cream and Cheese, dancing along with Next in The Next Show on TV while Maddie Tails and Chris are sitting on the couch behind them. He then frowns.

"I wanna be myself. I wanna go outside. But... I'm still not recovering from what happened to me. It still... haunts me..." he felt a pain in his chest after what he has been through.

He felt an arm pulling beside him, and then looks at Tom, who smiles at him. "It's all in the past, Sonic. It's okay, actually. You'll get through this."

The blue hedgehog smiles back. "Thanks dad. I appreciate it."

Just then, Ella and Amy enter the room, each bearing an apple pie.

"Snack time, everyone!" Ella said as both she and Amy set their pies on the table in front of Chris and Tails. "Here we go."

"Wow, Amy! I never knew you could make pies like how I showed you how to make pancakes." Maddie said.

"Thanks, Maddie! Ella showed me how to make homemade apple pie." the pink hedgehog said.

"I think our little Amy has quite a knack for baking. I just might be out of a job soon!" The maid said.

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