Chapter 10: The Last Resort

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A week had passed ever since stopping Eggman from stealing the satellite system. Everyone was in Chuck's secret workshop.

"The new Emerald Coast Resort sounds like the perfect place to get away from it all! You can hang out at the beach, or float in the crystal-clear ocean all day long, then dine as you watch a spectacular sunset!" Amy said.

Tails, Cream, and Cheese were already in the Tornado X. Chuck, Chris, and Amy were standing nearby. Sonic, in his original gloves and sneakers, was on Tom's back, since the blue hedgehog became a bit bored.

"It sounds absolutely romantic! I wish we were going to the opening party!" Amy said, making Sonic groan in annoyance.

"We'll have fun at the Thorndykes' villa." Cream said and then turns to Cheese. "Are you ready to go, Cheese?"

"Chao Chao!" the chao agreed.

"I'm ready too, guys!" Tails said. "My flight plan will take us right to the Emerald Coast."

"Be careful, Tails, and try not to let anybody see you." Chris said.

"They won't have a problem as long as they stay on the grounds of the villa." Chuck reassured his grandson.

"Then thank goodness." Maddie said as she and Maria appearing beside Tom and Sonic, who still had a bored look on his face. 

Chris then holds up an invitation. "I wish I could hang out with them instead of going to the resort opening."

"I know, but your mother can't make it, so she needs you to go in her place. You won't have to stay long, and after you can join the others at the villa!" Chuck said.

"That's great!" Chris then turns to Sonic. "I can give you a swimming lesson, Sonic."

"What's so fun about a big puddle of water?" The blue hedgehog said. "You guys go on without me. I'm gonna stay with mom, dad and Maria."

Everyone, except for Tom and Maddie, were surprised at him.

"Sonic, you mean you're not coming with us?" Amy asked.

Sonic gets down off of Tom's back. "That's right. I have to stay behind because I already asked if I could help them with something. Maria seemed to agree too."

"I'm sorry that we can't come, but we need to stay behind." Maria said.

"You guys go and enjoy yourselves." Sonic finished, turning away, quite upset.

"That's weird. I wonder why Sonic doesn't want to go to the Emerald Coast with us." Chris wondered to the others.

"It must be because Sonic hates water. He won't go near the ocean because he can't swim." Amy replied.

Chris remembered how he found Tails, but he never saw the same with Sonic. If Sonic crashed into his pool, he would rescue him like how he did with Tails, but Sonic was already tortured for six months. "I never knew that."

"But Sonic doesn't have to swim. He could go running on the beach!" Tails said.

"It's not gonna be as much fun without Sonic." Amy said and then she looks at Sonic. "Please, Sonic?"

"No." was the blue hedgehog's answer. "Please. I just... don't wanna talk about it."

She frowned slightly, knowing Sonic doesn't want to come.

Ella soon came in when Amy entered the Tornado X. "Chris! We have to leave now or you'll be late for the ceremony!"

"Have a great time, Chris." Chuck said.

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