Chapter 8: Gardening/Mother and Son bond/Party Hardly

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It's been a week ever since the school incident. The Wachowskis and mobians were at the Thorndyke. Chris was speaking to Cream and Cheese.

" too, Cheese. Stay inside while I'm gone, okay?" the boy said to them.

"Okay!" She said.

"Chao!" Cheese agreed.

"I'll see you later." Chris said, leaving the room, while Cream and Cheese looked sad and headed out onto the balcony.

"I don't want to stay inside. I want to go outside and play." the rabbit sighs and sees something that excites her.


Meanwhile, the others, with Sonic wearing his brown shoes and gloves, were gathered at Chuck's workshop. The suddenly heard Cream enjoying herself.

Amy walks to the window. "That sounds like Cream and Cheese outside."

Tails joins her. They can see Cream down on the ground among the flowers.

"What's going on out there, you two?" Tom asked.

"Looks like Cream is picking flowers. I wonder what she's doing out there, Amy." Tails wondered.

"I bet Cream's out there gathering some flowers." Amy said.

Sonic, who is resting on Chuck's chair with his eyes closed, opens his eyes.

'What are they up too?' he thought to himself, wondering.

"She knows we're supposed to stay inside while Chris is at school. What's so important about going outside to get flowers?" Tails said, until realizing something.

The fox cub notices Cream picking flowers and asked "Hi, Cream. What are you doing there?"

"I'm going to surprise my mom by making her a crown out of flowers!" she beamed at him, showing him the bouquet she had picked.

"I guess she misses her mom." Tails said.

"Oh, that's terrible." Maria said.

"Of course she does." Amy said. "I just wish... I just wish we could do something to cheer her up."

Sonic kept staring, until remembering something ten years ago.

"Here Longclaw! It's a sunflower I got for you!" a four, soon to be five, year old Sonic cheerfully said, holding up a sunflower.

"Thank you, Sonic. This is the most wonderful thing you've ever gotten me." Longclaw smiled

He remained silent after that memory, but shook it off and turned to his adopted parents.

"Mom, dad, if that's okay with you, we could let the others do gardening, since Cream misses her mother." 'Like how I miss Longclaw.' he added in his thoughts.

"That's okay, Sonic." Tom said and then turned to the others. "We're heading back to the house. You wanna join us?"

"Sorry. Gotta stay behind with Cream." Tails said.

"That goes double for me." Amy agreed.

"Well...I suppose I should join in." Maria said.

"Well, we all know Sonic's coming." The sheriff said, with Maddie, Maria and Sonic in tow. "We'll be back to check on you later."

"Okay, Tom!" Tails said, seeing them leave. "Y'know, I'm happy Sonic gets a family." he then frowned. "But it'll be hard for him to leave them when we return home."

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