Chapter 6: Still recovering/Cracking Knuckles

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A day had passed and Sonic still didn't feel well.

He was crying for no reason still, but controlled his emotions.

"A-Are you sure you can manage without me, mom, dad and Maria, guys?" he asked.

"Don't worry, Sonic! We'll manage! I hope you get well soon." Tails said.

"Thanks guys." he smiled and then sees them on the Tornado, flying off to Chris' house.

He lets out a sad sigh, and tears came from his face.

'There's gotta be something I could do.' he thought to himself.

Today was Sunday, meaning Chris was off school. He had doubts on that.

'Wonder what they're doing?'


"They call defeating heroes 'FUN'?!" Sonic asked, turning to his adopted dad, in total anger, due to his mood-swings.

"Easy there, Sonic!" Tom said. "You're gonna make your sickness worse if you get these mood-swings out of control."

He just explained to Sonic that villains defeating heroes was fun for them. Needless to say, the blue hedgehog wasn't happy.

The hero then sighs. "Sorry. I just... don't know what came over me."

"It's fine, Sonic."

Just then, the news came up just when Maria and Maddie came in.

"The strange energy spikes, which seem to be coming from the Silver Valley area, have played havoc with computers and machinery across the entire region. Investigators are looking into..."

"Are you kidding me!?" Sonic asked. "There's a Chaos Emerald and Chris and the others might already on their way soon, without me?! AM I A JOKE?!"

"I think the mood-swings for mobians are different than ours." Maddie sighed.

A while later, Eggman's messenger robot, Bokkun, lands on the railing when everyone was outside, and takes out a television from the pack he is carrying.

"Message for you." he said and puts it near the railing. "Here you go!"

"What's going on?" Maria asked.

"Something tells me it's Eggman's doing..." Sonic muttered.

The televison then turns on, revealing an angry Knuckles."

"Sonic, I'm sick of all your selfish stunts. This time, you've gone too far! I'm challenging you to a showdown! Meet me in Silver Valley in one hour. Don't be late." he said through it.

'WHAT?! What did I do wrong?!' he thought to himself.

Eggman then appears on the television. "This message was brought to you by the Eggman Empire, which is not responsible for its content, except this part!"

Bokkun then flies off, while everyone heard a ticking sound.

"What was that?" Maria asked.

"..." Sonic then realizes. "BOMB! DUCK!"

They then duck down, leaving the TV to explode.

Sonic was a bit upset. "Knuckles is gonna regret that! How many times has Eggman tricked him?!"

"Do you want us to come?" Maria asked.

"I got this, Maria...."

"Wait, Silver Valley?" Tom repeated. "Wasn't that where the Chaos Emerald is...?"

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