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Okay so I died now I'm in infront of such a beautiful and mature looking lady.

I'm in love.

?: No you aren't and you should stop thinking about things that might never happen. And you can call me God.

Okay so thoughts are read and she said might so let cross the fingers and pray on Mommy Luck. Which sounds better in my plan than the actual relevance.

Richard: Okay so why am I here and why didn't you talk or ask me to open my eyes?

God: Well let's see your soul if darker then I thought to be. Your mind only thinks about it itself but for a moment I belive I saw you trying to rethink and trying to re amend yourself from your past sin's.


God: Let's make it easy.... I'm bored and I wish for some sort of entertainment. As you can probably see is that I'm in my my Helluva boss/ Hazbin Hotel version.

Richard: So you can transform into the --??

God: Morgan Freeman, yes yes I can but this is more comfortable and the version I wish to present myself in.

Richard: Okay so why am I here today?

God: OH right yeah so I'm bored, and I see that you are one the most sexist and charming man that has lived, well except that one..  Any way I have decided to bless and curse you in this time.

What? Curse and Bless what those that mean I get to live but not live?

God: Okay so you get to have two wishes, but also the curse of Mate Bonds where you will have two true love by the end of your life and you only have 200 years. Since the person you will be reincarnated as will live for a long time.
God: You okay? I know it's surprising but you will have to learn to have bonds with those you interact it might be harsh, but you must learn to attach with someone.
Haha.. haha.... hahaha.  HAHAHA!!!.....HAHAHAHAHA!!!!.
THIS IS NO CURSE THIS IS A BLESSING IN DISGUISE. I will finally find a person or people to connect with.
My whole life I have always felt I was run by my lust and freight of love becoming a weakness, but it was always something I wanted just don't know why you God never gave it to me.

I didn't care and just jumped and hugged god and even kissed god lip on lip just for the laugh of it.

Next thing I know I'm slapped and thrown into the floor. Okay so no touching the god

Why is god blushing and touching her lips... ehh whatever not my problem.

God: Hm.. let's see here(pulls up a pair of glasses) Ah yes I forgot to add the little ingredient in your creation. The soul mate string guess I was having to much fun making Ryan Renolds that I forgot to add your key feature.

Ok so god was having to much fun with her experiments she forgot about the rejects.

God: Okay to much has been going on let's just begin first the world I have decided to Reincarate you in Helluva Boss/ Hazbin Hotel.

Okay not bad just a literal hell where anyone can die and no one cares except the main cast and angels being the bad guys wishing for the blood spill. Let see let's starts planing the wishes we can take the most advantage off.

Richard: Okay so I have decided in my two wishes which should be the
-Essence of The Binder


-Essense of the Archmage

Binder will allow me to gain loyalty in my parenters while also allowing then to grow as strong as I do and the archmage since it would allow me to do things that not even you might be able to do freely.

God: Okay accepted and now let's spin the wheel of fate to see which character you should become now.

Please no Please no Female please be a man please allow me to have a dick.

The thing keeps on spinning and I only caught up to see Vortex, Striker, Moxxie, and even Adam. Holy Sh-

God: Do not finish that sentence boy.

Okay so no holy curse let's see its slowing down and the result is-

Reincarnated as StolasWhere stories live. Discover now