Chapter 5 (Alexia) A deal with the dragon!

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I painfully open my eyes and hear a soft laugh coming from the chair beside my bed. Sammy is happily playing with a phone. I don't know where she got it, but it is likely from the guy who claims to be her potential dad.

I mean, he is incredibly handsome, and I could see a few resemblances with Sammy, but really? He just now figured out he had fathered a child? What kind of man is he?

To be fair, Mandy never talked about her past, just that time when she said she had run away from an abusive household; I don't even recall if she mentioned joining an MC.

Now, I need to protect Sammy more than ever. Mr. Lombardi mentioned they are a legitimate MC, but I will believe after Carla shares her findings. I might also need to ask Olson to look into it, just in case. He could do a background check on Lombardi.

"Did you like it?"

Just then, I realized I had been so deep in my thoughts that I hadn't noticed Sammy getting closer and showing me something.

Her cast is now adorned with multiple signatures and colorful drawings. The most impressive thing is a lovely butterfly on top of her hand.

"Sammy, I love it! That butterfly is perfect for you, don't you think?"

"Yes," she replied excitedly, "GD did it for me after I told him you call me dancing butterfly!"

"Cause that is what you are, my little princess. How are you feeling? Anything hurt?"

My dear Sammy's face fell, and her eyes got teary. "Yes, it hurts here," she said, touching her heart.

"Oh, my love, come here! It will hurt for a while. I know because I also have an angel in heaven, and my heart still hurts. But it will hurt less and less, little by little. You are not alone. Carla and I will protect you, and now you have new friends. Do you like GD?"

"Yes, he is funny. The twins are also very nice, they got me chocolate. But the one I like the most is Typhon; he is like a brave giant. I bet he can slay dragons!"

"Yes," I said with a chuckle, "I guess he can!"

Without a preamble, after our little conversation, Sammy got up and told me she was gonna get everyone to visit me. The last thing I want is visitors, mainly because even though I haven't seen myself in the mirror, I can only imagine how terrible I look. Not that I should care, but that is a good-looking bunch.

Before I could even ask her to wait, she was already outside.

Only Selene, GD, and Ty came in. They explained that Marlene and Basilisk were out bringing us all food. I hope they get a salad; this stay at the hospital has messed up with my routine, and I am on edge. A salad is a nice reminder of my quiet, regular life.

I quietly watched Sammy interact with these people as if she had known them all her life. She is usually shy so that alone made me happy. Maybe she will be lucky enough to get a family of protectors. I will be able to keep tabs on her for the remainder of the school year, and I could visit her a few times during the Summer break before I move to my next location.

After eating, the Fantastic Four left. That is what I mentally labeled the siblings plus Basilisk. Sammy had already fallen asleep, and Marlene mentioned I should try to walk a little to see how my body reacted, especially because the doctor was planning to sign my release for tomorrow afternoon.

I could stand up with Marlene on one side and Mr. Lombardi on the other. My legs were not too happy about holding my weight, and my ribs definitely complained, but overall, I did a decent job staying upright and started taking a few steps. By the fourth step, my strength went zapped, and I felt myself beginning to fall.

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