Chapter 3: (Typhon) Fire Bringers

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"Hey, Prez, we need to talk," two of my brothers said almost simultaneously right after church was dismissed. Now, as president, it is typical for one of my men to stay behind to discuss a particular topic. Having two stay behind is atypical.

"OK, what's up?"

The guys talking are Basilisk, our enforcer, and GD (short for Ghost Dragon), our IT guru. Basilisk's old lady and fiancé is one of GD's twin sisters, Selene and Marlene. These four have helped me move the MC forward, especially after losing Victoria.

"The girls called; something happened last night, and they think you need to be aware," says Basilisk.

"What the f*ck happened, just spill it," I don't have time for this. Leading the Fire Bringers, the Tri-State's most successful legal MC club, keeps me busy, and my time is limited.

"Do you remember Mandy?" Now GD is talking.

"Yes, Mandy. She was one of the club girls a few years ago. She was nice if I recall correctly."

"She was murdered last night. Her boyfriend killed her. Left a little kid behind," explains GD with a sad look.

"Man, that is terrible. I hate abusers! So, what do the girls want? If they think the club should cover the funeral expenses and the kid's medical bill, consider it done. We are not paying for the fucker's legal fees if they think we need to help the girl get her dad back."

"No, Prez. I mean, we haven't talked about funeral or medical expenses yet. But the guy was not Mandy's husband or the father of her girl. They had just started dating a few months ago, and he had moved in with her only a few weeks back. Still, they called for something else," Basilisk looks at me like he is unsure how to approach whatever he is about to say.

"Basilisk, stop delaying this. I have a business meeting in 20 minutes, and I would like to be on time, so can you please tell me what is going on and get done with it?"

"The girls think Mandy's daughter could be yours!"

What the actual f*ck! I mean, I spent some time with Mandy back when I was a man-whore. I admit, as the youngest Prez of this MC, and while I was pushing for reforms and changes, I managed most of my stress and frustration through sex. 

Mandy was good-looking and willing. Nice, friendly, and respectful. Perfect club girl. She knew there were no promises for tomorrow, even though most club girls dreamt of turning a brother into husband material.

That was not my case, and Mandy knew it. It was just lust and great, hot sex.

After around two months of hanging out with Mandy, I finally found my match: Victoria, a law student who knew what she wanted and was very business-minded. Together, we were unstoppable. There were no mushy feelings. We respected and loved each other as equals.

She was adamant from the start that she wouldn't accept any of the multiple women sh*t common in the MC world and that if I wanted her, I needed to become monogamous. I was OK with it because she satisfied both my sex drive as well as my need for a partner who could help guide this club in a different direction.

Mandy understood, and frankly, I don't even recall having a "cutting ties" conversation with her; I think she left the club even before I became steady with Victoria. And now these people think she could have had my kid all this time without even letting me know of her existence. Impossible!

GD cleared his throat, bringing me back to the conversation.

"What do you mean they think the girl could be mine?"

"Well, based on the girl's date of birth, their calculations tell them that she could have been conceived around the time Mandy was still here at the club, and the last weeks before she left, she was only with you. But the main reason is that the girl has dark blue, almost purple eyes. Prez, you know your eyes are pretty unique. We have only seen those before with your dad, and that's it."

Right after that statement from Basilisk, GD goes on, "At least you should go to the hospital and see for yourself. If anything, do a DNA test. If she is not yours, we can help her with some financial support, but if she turns out to be yours, you will have the chance to decide what comes next."

I only dreamt of having a family with Victoria. Still, I lost her before we could accomplish that dream, so now I must face the possibility of having a girl to care for alone. Needless to say, I canceled the business meeting and headed out to the hospital.

When I got there, I talked with Selene, who was at the scene.

"Mandy didn't last long. I don't think she recognized me, but she was trying to say something about her girl. I tried to calm her, saying she was safe; I hope that helped her transition to her new life," said Selene with a sad face.

Selene has interesting beliefs. I never tried to understand or judge others' opinions about the afterlife, if there is one. I often wonder if Victoria is happy. She was full of energy and always had a project to stress about. 

I guess there is not much to do in heaven, so if I buy into that sh*t, I am just confused how my Victoria would feel with an eternity of doing nothing. Anyway, no time to muse.

"The crazy part was seeing Samantha, the little girl, wrapped around her teacher. I think she was more scared about losing Ms. Wyatt than about having lost her mom. The teacher was severely beaten up. I have seen others bigger than her and with fewer injuries cave to the pain, scream, or pass out. 

But this tiny lady kept fighting her tears and using peaceful, loving words to calm the girl. She didn't let go until we arrived at the hospital, and I promised her I would look after Sammy. Doctors couldn't believe she hadn't even asked for painkillers. Ms. Wyatt is a tough cookie, alright."

Then, it was Marlene's turn to talk.

"I have been on watch since this morning. The first thing the teacher asked when she woke up was for the girl. She has a friend who works on DCF, and apparently, even before the altercation, there was some plan to help care for Samantha. That's your kid's name, by the way."

"First, she is not my kid, at least not proven yet. Once I see her, I will decide if I should move to request a DNA or if it's just you ladies seeing things due to your plan to find me my second chance at a family. Second, I am telling you right now, I am not single-dad material, and taking care of a girl is not my plan."

"Whatever, I am almost sure she will be yours. I don't understand how nobody knew Mandy was living so close to us and had your kid. Something smells rotten," stated Marlene.

"Come, at least you can see them; they have been sleeping for a while."

Seeing the image before me stirred a weird feeling in my chest.

Suddenly, the vision of the family I thought I would never get came up, and it wasn't of Victoria and our kid but of those two strangers lying embraced in that bed, both looking ashen, exhausted, and weak. The Alpha male in me roared to life.

I am Typhon, Prez of the Fire Bringers, the most powerful legal MC club in the tri-state, and if the kid is mine, I will protect her from anyone. But what do I do about the teacher?

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