Chapter 13(Ty) Something isn't right!

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Terror, pain, shame, dirty. I need to be clean.Terror, pain, shame, dirty. I need to be clean.Terror, pain, shame, dirty. I need to be clean.

I could hear Alexia mumbling these words nonstop from behind the door. I wanted to enter but she wasn't responding.

She had been there for at least 30 minutes, and I was getting desperate. This day should have gone differently. After five more minutes of listening to her reciting those words, I couldn't hold back anymore and broke the door to my bathroom.

The sight was painful.

My tiny lady, sitting in the corner of the shower, soaking wet, pale, and with blue lips, is scrubbing her arms raw while rocking back and forth and repeating her litany.

I didn't think twice. I shut down the shower, covered Alexia, and carried her to the bed, trying to dry and warm her.

I don't know why or how we got here, but I can't help feeling it is my fault.

I pushed her away for weeks, and now I wish I could take it all back.

I had seen her trying to connect with the people at the MC. Today, we were all enjoying a family day at the MC. The wives had organized a Father's Day picnic, and everyone was having a fantastic time. They even invited my dad, who lives in a remote cabin almost three hours away. 

He came and met Samantha. It was an incredible time.

Alexia had been instrumental in planning and coordinating the event, but I only found out about this right after the incident.

The incident in question was the result of a series of unfortunate events.

A week ago, Alexia was able to help negotiate a truce between the MC wives and the club girls. It turns out that the ol ladies didn't want the club girls to be at the picnic, as some were quite jealous of their husbands' possible activities at the clubhouse. But Alexia said that was not fair for the girls, so she helped the two sides agree that club girls could attend the event if they stayed inside or around the clubhouse instead of in the playground area.

That way, everyone could enjoy the food and the music without confrontation.

Then, this morning, Skrill, a brother who went nomad after breaking up with Selene, returned to the compound and, as always, ended up getting drunk after she ignored him.

And finally, the cake for the event was thrown into the garbage by someone who wanted to ruin the day. We have yet to find out who did it.

But those three events culminated in Alexia going to the clubhouse kitchen to try to come up with a solution for dessert and Skrill going drunk into the same kitchen because, according to him, Daisy told him that a new, easy club girl was there and available.

Daisy claimed that Skrill was probably confused since he was so drunk because she never referred to Alexia as a club girl. 

Regardless of how it happened, the truth is that Skrill cornered Alexia, trapping her with his body and apparently using his seduction tactics, which are probably suitable for a club girl but not for my tiny lady. The fucker!

According to Skrill, once he was just inches away from Alexia and called her sweetheart, she froze and started to shake so badly that he stepped back and realized she was rolling her eyes while convulsing. Some club girls and prospects at the clubhouse noticed what was happening and immediately looked for me and Marlene.

By the time I arrived, after ensuring that Selene took care of Sammy, Alexia's seizure had ended, but she had hurried to a corner in the kitchen and started rocking back and forth without talking to anyone. 

Poor Skrill sobered up after seeing Alexia's reaction and has been texting me nonstop since then to check on her.

And here I am, looking at Alexia in this state, and I don't know how to help her. Marlene went to Alexia's apartment to get her anxiety pills. I wish I could help more.

Something is wrong. Between Alexia's migraines, which she attributes to a TBI caused by an accident when she was young, and her adverse reaction to touch, I am starting to think that there is something sordid in her past.

Add to that the fact that two police officers showed up a few days ago wanting to question me about Malachi's murder in jail, and I know it is time for us to dig deeper into Alexia's past.

Apparently, the police found Malachi's body with his hands severed and a note saying, "You hurt her, I hurt you." They immediately thought I ordered the hit because of Samantha. Thankfully, the MC's lawyer was meeting with me, so he handled the detectives. 

We questioned if maybe it could have been someone wanting revenge for Mandy, but the officers explained that they checked and her relatives were not even aware of her death until now.

The hairs on the back of my neck stood up as I thought that maybe it was someone related to Alexia's hidden past.

I can't wait any longer for answers. GD will have to start doing some serious research because I need to know what is causing Alexia's situation and how I can help her.

I am thinking all this while holding Alexia close to me. Even though she flinches when others touch her, I have noticed she doesn't react like that with me.

I hope that means something because I can't keep denying that she makes me feel things I haven't in many years.

When I got to Alexia in the kitchen, I brought her to my clubhouse room. I didn't want to ruin the picnic that was going full swing outside, plus I felt she would appreciate it if the others didn't know what happened.

But now, someone is knocking on my door. I carefully removed Alexia from my lap and placed her gently on the bed. I opened the door without checking, thinking it was Marlene, but to my surprise, it was Daisy.

"Daisy, I instructed everyone to continue with the celebrations and not bother me. What do you need?"

"C'mon Typhon, it's your first year as a father. You should be outside having fun. That normy is probably acting up to get your attention."

"Daisy, I appreciate your concern, but I have other priorities right now. You can work at the bar or go back to the picnic, but please leave. We can talk later."

"I don't get it, Prez! I have been with you through your low times right after Victoria died. I made myself available only for you, even after I stopped being a club girl. I know this MC better than most and have been loyal to you all these years. This scrawny teacher appears out of nowhere, and everyone fusses about her. The Fire Bringers are fierce and respected; acting like a bunch of sissies is not our style."

"Daisy, if I didn't know better, I would think you are jealous of Alexia. I know that you were a great friend those months after Victoria passed. But you know that I am no longer drinking as much or using sex as a way to cope with her loss, so please relax. If you are so worried, let me assure you that the Fire Bringers is the toughest MC around, but there is nothing wrong with showing a bit of humanity towards someone who cares about us without being a member. That is all this is, me being grateful to a person who cared for my daughter and is nice to the club."

"If you say so. I just want to protect you and the club. I trust you will be careful and not let the normy affect your leadership."

Little I knew this conversation would eventually come back to bite me in my ass. 


Ty's real name will be unveiled soon, stay tuned. Also, what do you think is going on with Daisy? Please comment, vote and share!

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