Chapter 10 (Alexia) Letting go!

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I am trying to wake up, but opening my eyes seems impossible. My eyelids are heavy, and my head is all scrambled. My whole body feels like I have been hit by a truck. This is normal. I have been here before after a bad migraine attack. I slowly move so I can prepare my body to stand up.

I hear shush voices coming from the kitchen, and that is definitely not something I am used to. After one of these bad headaches, I remain in bed alone, licking my wounds.

I always deal with these situations alone, but today, people here seem to care about me. I am not used to that, and it scares me. I can't get close to these people because it will hurt more when I leave.

I slowly take some steps through the hallway until I reach the kitchen. The first one to notice me is my dear dancing butterfly.

"Alexia! Alexia! You scared me!" says Sammy, sniffling.

I instinctively try to crouch to her level and hug her, which causes my still-recovering ribs and my head to complain.

"I am so sorry, my dear girl, I didn't mean to ruin your day at the Zoo!"

I shyly look around at Ty and the twins.

"I'm really sorry, guys. I don't remember much from yesterday, but thanks for helping!"

"Hey, that's not a problem. I'm glad we were there for you," replies Marlene almost immediately. I see Selene nodding, like to second her message.

Ty is standing in a corner and is hardly even looking this way, completely disengaged from the conversation. A pang of hurt hit my heart. He saw me crumbling yesterday and probably thinks I am weak and damaged.

Whatever little progress we made the past few days talking and joking with Sammy is gone. It could be for the best. I keep having these weird feelings, and my body keeps reacting around Ty, and I don't need this confusion.

I turn my attention back to Sammy. That is my safe place.

"Did you enjoy your sleepover with Selene?"

"I like Selene, but I needed you, I got scared again. The dragon found me!"

"No, cutie pie, remember your dragon is far away. He can try to bother you in your dreams, but you know he can't get you, right?"

Sweet Sammy nodded with a sad face.

"Why can't the dragon get you?"

"Because I am a warrior!"

"Exactly, you are stronger than your fears!"

Selene, who had remained silent during our little dialogue, chimed in.

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