Chapter 6 (Ty) The Princess and the Giant

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As I walk out of the doctor's office, it dawns on me that now it is official. I am a father. After losing Victoria three years ago, I never thought I would have a family, but here I am with a six-year-old. Part of me is ecstatic, while the other one is terrified.

I don't have a f*cking clue of how to be a dad!

I guess my face says it all because Tweedledee and Tweedledum both have a stupid smile on their face!

"Well, Prez, I never thought I would see the day you will have no words! May I confess I am loving it?" said GD with a smirk. The idiot!

Basilisk pads me in my shoulder and says, "Don't worry Prez, you have an army of rough men ready to protect their princess!"

I am bringing this little girl to a world not made for kids. Yes, we now run a legitimate MC, but still, we are in constant danger from other violent clubs that want to move into our territory. 

We are the silent guardian angel of this county. While the decent citizens sleep at night, we are cleaning the towns around us from the human scum lurking in the shadows, profiting from crime and abuse. 

We do so proudly, effectively, and violently. I don't have any issues squashing a cockroach and seeing their lives slip from their bodies. But now, I am rethinking my whole existence: how can I protect my little girl from all this mayhem?

"Hey, Prez, breathe! Nothing will happen to her. I can see your mind is going a thousand miles a minute, but I am sure it will be OK," Basilisk says.

"Really? And how can you assure me that, you mother*cker? I thought all was safe a few years ago, and then Victoria died in strange circumstances, taking my baby with her. No, dude, I am starting to regret doing this DNA test. Maybe Sammy would have been better off with the teacher."

"Anyone would be good with that woman. Have you seen her tiny body? She might be a bit skinnier than my typical taste, but I think I could learn to savor those bones!"

 That earned GD a slap in the head and a growl from me.

"Respect, you idiot!"

"Looks like Prez has also noticed the teacher. Now, joking aside, I do agree with Basi. Sammy is better off with us. She needs a family and a stable, safe place, and we can offer that. We have several families in the compound, including a few with kids her age; she will do fine. What is the plan?"

"Today, at discharge, Carla will drive Sammy to Ms. Wyatt's house. We agreed that after everything my little girl has gone through these past few days, we need to introduce her to her new reality by stages instead of just abruptly changing her whole life."

"So, the teacher accepted helping out?"

"Yes, I originally wanted to take them both to my house and have the teacher help me get used to Sammy and vice versa. But she refused, even when I offered her a salary for her work. That lady has some serious repulsion against the MC world. I hate when people are judgmental and think they are perfect!"

"Prez, don't jump to conclusions. First, she is willing to get involved and continue helping, just from her own apartment, which makes sense given that Sammy is already familiar with that environment. Plus, the few conversations I had with Alexia showed me she is willing to learn and understand our way of living," GD continued talking.

 I decided to ponder later on why his decision to casually call the teacher by her first name got me a jolt of something weird: jealousy.

"She was not judging when she asked me in-depth questions. She was protecting Sammy. I respect that! In fact, even though I was joking when I said I would like to get with her, I could see any of us falling for a woman like her."

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