Chapter 8 (Alexia) Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!

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I woke up earlier than usual with a little girl jumping in bed.

"C'mon, Alexia, we need to get ready; we are going to the Zoo today!"

We had plenty of time to get ready, as she woke me up about three hours before we had agreed to leave, but I didn't mind. I actually love seeing her so happy. More than anything, it was amazing that she didn't wake up scared with a nightmare like she has done pretty much every night since we got back from the hospital.

Between the interrupted sleep, the mild concussion, and not being able to follow half of my routine, I feel like my body is off. There is a constant dull discomfort in my head, but fortunately, it has been manageable so far.

As I prepare our bags, my protein shake, and breakfast for Sammy, she chats nonstop about every animal she wants to see today. She is really the cutest thing.

Mr. Lombardi has gotten closer to her, and I hope Samantha will like her new life with her dad and the MC family. I am not too familiar with the MC life, but from the way both Marlene and Selene speak about it, I think the Fire Bringers have a great community. That is exactly what Samantha deserves.

At 8:30 am on the dot, Mr. Lombardi knocked on the door, and Sammy ran to open it. I was fast behind her.

"Hey, dancing butterfly, hold on a minute. You can't just open the door without checking first who is there. Now, ask who it is."

"Who is it?"

"Your Giant, my princess!"

To that answer, Sammy started giggling and dancing up and down while opening the door."Yay! We are ready!"

Mr. Lombardi smiled widely at Samantha while hugging her and then nodded my way."Good morning, Ms. Wyatt!"

"Good morning, Mr. Lombardi. We just finished breakfast, but I left a bagel sandwich ready in case you want some."

"Guys, why do you always use your last names. Aren't you friends?"

Kids can see the world in the simplest terms. After playing five minutes in a park, two kids will declare that they are the best of friends. That is exactly why I love working with them. Their innocence and transparency make me think that society would be better if we acted more like them.

Samantha's dad and I looked at each other and busted out laughing.

"Well, I guess we are friends after a week and a half of knowing each other, as officially declared by Samantha, the smart cookie, dancing butterfly! Do you agree, Ms. Wyatt? I mean, Alexia."

"It's OK with me, Typhon. But is it OK if I call you Ty? Typhon is a scary dragon."

"I didn't know that was the name of a dragon. Alexia doesn't like dragons; she is a dragon slayer."

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