Chapter 11 (Ty) Welcome home, Princess!

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I am behaving like an asshole, I know! However, this is needed to avoid major issues later.
Alexia is a "normy" and she already has plans to leave. She is not being honest about her past, so I can't afford to get involved with her.

Learning to be a father will be enough on top of managing the MC business, which I haven't focused on as much these past few days. I am glad I can rely on Draco and Basi for that.

Sammy seemed surprised the first day I showed up to drive her to school, but we explained that Ms. Wyatt had a new schedule, and she didn't question it anymore after that. I also left the clubhouse earlier to get her when school finished.

The first day I drove her to the MC compound, she started crying because we weren't going to Alexia's house. Luckily, Selene and GD were with me and helped me calm her down, letting her know we wanted her to meet a few new friends her age.

That worked out perfectly because a few MC brothers have families and kids around Sammy's age. We even have a community playground, which I just noticed is a bit old. I mentally noted that and sat on the bench, seeing Sammy shyly approach the swings. Selene was with her and introduced her to a few of the girls.

Victoria and I were businesspeople, so we only got involved with the MC families if the brothers had a specific request. There were no MC-planned baby showers or birthdays, nothing remotely personal. I was surprised to realize there were way more children than I had anticipated.

"Wait, who is that boy helping Sammy on the swings?"

"Are you kidding me, Prez? That is Jason, Arman's oldest son. Their second kid is Matthew—the one with the green Hulk shirt hanging on the monkey bars, and as you can see, Margie is very pregnant with their third. Since that one is a girl, they have already announced they plan to stop now. You are really disconnected from the club's families.

How come you behave like the guys there even though you don't live in the clubhouse? For them, it is not MC stuff if it is not happening at the clubhouse. If we claim we are a family, everything should be important; just saying!" responded GD with an attitude.

"Wow, who pissed in your cereal this morning, dude? I know I am disconnected, OK! But establishing new legal businesses to help employee most of the members of the club is not an easy task."

"I know, remember that I help with all the IT stuff behind each business. Anyway, don't mind me. Pay attention to Sammy. She is enjoying herself."

And she was. I was planning to have a chat with that Jason kid cause he seemed too smitten with my girl, and she won't be dating until she is at least 30. Oh, no, I have become one of those dads already!

When Alexia arrived that evening for dinner, Sammy was excited, telling her about the kids she had met at the playground. I don't know how she could stay so chirpy and engaged in a kid conversation when she spent the whole day teaching children.

Sammy and I are getting used to each other and our new routine.

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