Chapter 14 (Alexia) Taking a chance!

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I slowly came to my senses, and it was evident that I was in bed in a room I didn't know. Panic started setting in as I tried to organize my thoughts to understand what had happened and where I was.

As vague memories of hands over me and the feeling of being caged came back to me, the door opened. I instinctively retreated to the corner of the bed, trying to protect myself from whatever danger was coming through.

"Calm down, tiny lady, it is only me. You are safe here!"

"Ty? Where am I, and why am I here with you?"

"You don't remember what happened? You had a seizure, Alexia. You scared us all. You were out of it when it passed, so I brought you here to recover."

OK, none of this made sense to me, at least the part of him caring for me and bringing me here...whatever this place is. I do know this is different from his room at the house. I've seen it when I have visited Sammy there. So, I am still trying to piece together this puzzle, mainly because Ty is the last person I expected to be taking care of me after a seizure.

Damn, a seizure; I hadn't had one of those in years. This worries me, and I realize I need to call Dr. Sullivan and tell him about this new development.

While all these thoughts are whirling in my head, I realize Ty is looking at me intensely, but I don't know how to read his vibes. The energy emanating from him is confusing. He seems surprised, bothered, concerned, and even amused. Amused by what?

"Again, where am I? And why are you the one taking care of me?"

I noticed Ty slightly grimacing when I asked him that.

"You are in my room at the clubhouse."

Wait, what? Oh, hell no, that is disgusting; I might get an STD just from laying in these sheets. With those thoughts, I immediately tried to jump out of bed, but Ty was by my side in seconds, holding me in place.

"Calm down. This is not an orgy place or anything your brain conjured just now. Your face would have been funny if I hadn't been so worried about you. This is my private room, and you are the first person to sit on that bed aside from me."

"And Victoria," I said without even thinking.  Why did I have to mention his lost love?

"Actually, that is not true. I ordered this room after Victoria passed. I have my office and my original bachelor room on the first floor, but once I was widowed, I needed a safe, private space where people would leave me alone. Until today, nobody had come in or knocked on my door."

I need clarification.

"Why did you bring me here then? Plus, how did I knock on your door if I don't even remember arriving here?"

"After the incident with Skrill, the guy who scared you in the kitchen, I figured you wouldn't want other people to find out about it. So, instead of carrying you out where everyone at the picnic could see us, I brought you up here and gave instructions for everyone to continue enjoying the day without coming here. 

Only one person didn't follow those instructions and knocked on the door. I sent her away immediately."

Her? I bet it was Ms. Plastic Double D Daisy. I don't understand why she is so determined to make my life miserable, but I suspect she wants Ty for herself. 

I am pretty sure she was the one who ruined the cake, and from what Ty is explaining now, she probably was the one who sent Skrill to taunt me.

"Why do you care, Ty? You have been avoiding me for the past several weeks, making me feel like a bug who is bothering you. The only reason I keep coming is for Sammy. I can see the guys outside the compound. So, if my presence annoys you, just let me know, and we can arrange my time with Sammy. 

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