Chapter 12 (Alexia) He is not into me

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The end of the school year came faster than expected. We were now in Summer break. I had more time for myself and was trying to use it to recover. Even though Malachi's attack happened two months ago, I still was battling raging headaches most of the time.

Officer Olson and Dr. Sullivan had asked me to move the appointment to the Institute. Still, with everything that was going on with Samantha, I kept it for August, right before school started.

Every now and then, Olson gives me updates about my dad's case. The dragon's lawyers are trying to change the sentence and get him out earlier. Apparently, he has been a model inmate. They don't know him like I do. He is a shape-shifter. He starts like a perfect human and then turns into a brutal dragon.

We have tried to prove that he is in contact with someone outside, ensuring that I get messages from him occasionally. Olson is convinced that Dad finds hackers and pays them to "spy" on me, and in return, he hooks them with his previous gang associates so they can get whatever vice they are into.

First, he was able to contact me at my foster placements. I would receive letters or packages. After I changed my name and went to college, the messages stopped for a long while. I guess tracking me became a bit harder, but once he found me after my first year in my first job, he consistently harassed me. It is subtle and only happens every so often. It is his way of telling me that he will never let go.

It is a suffocating feeling, so I can't get too close to people. I know I will eventually have to leave to escape him.

But, even with my resistance to connecting with others, I have gotten closer to GD and the twins. It feels fantastic having friends. Even though I haven't shared anything about my past, we talk about general topics, history, pop culture, music, whatever, and we have fun.

Aside from these three, I met some MC families when I visited Sammy. I have never stepped foot in the actual clubhouse and am not planning to do so. I know the dragons' den is where most of the R/X action occurs, and I prefer the PG adventures outside.

As time passed and I got closer to the moms, I came up with an idea. They mentioned that the MC worked as a well-oiled machine, but the compound had lost its sense of community. I figured a good ol' big picnic with activities could be what they needed. So, I suggested planning a "Fathers' Day" picnic for the MC brothers. The ladies loved the idea, so we started the planning.

I might not be a member of this club or blood-related to anyone here, but for the first time since my mom passed, I was excited about celebrating Father's Day and figured Sammy would love it.

This is new to me, and I am starting to think that if I loosely explain my fears to the MC, they might protect me. But I am not there yet. Even though I get along great with the siblings and the new acquaintances I have made at the playground, there is a huge shadow surrounding this new phase in my life. And if you are wondering who I am talking about, I will spell it out for you: T-Y-P-H-O-N!

Typhon continues giving me the cold shoulder, constantly implying that my role here is temporary and that the MC life is not for me.

And despite me not being interested in joining the MC world, he doesn't need to be a douche about it.

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