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Caroline and Annabelle are painting an VW bus.

Caroline: Hey, can you hand me the glitter gun?

Annabelle hands her the glitter gun

Caroline: Thanks.

Annabelle: Hey, can't we diss the decorating and go grab a bite?

Caroline: Oh, I have a thermos in my bag.

Annabelle: I meant some real food, Care. I'm not a vampire like you, remember?

Caroline: Oh! Right. I knew that. Uh huh, yep. Sure did. So who has the misfortune of being Rebekah's date?

Annabelle: I said I'd go with her.

Caroline stares at her, eye twitching and clenching her jaw in jealousy

Caroline: What?

Annabelle: She wants to go to the dance and doesn't have anyone to go with. Besides, I drink vervain meaning she can't feed from me

Caroline: The big deal is you're a sweet innocent person who should not be going to dances with evil blood sluts!

Annabelle: Care, calm down. I'm just going with her as friends.

Caroline: Ok. Ok. I'm sorry

Annabelle: Okkie dokkie.


There's a rock band playing in the garden; everyone from the school is there; Caroline enters the house with Bonnie.

Caroline: How did he plan a better party than me so fast? What? Is that a band outside?

Bonnie: Who are all these people?

Caroline: This is weird! Where is Anna?

She looks though the crowd, her eyes falling on Annabelle wearing a beautiful loose fitting green dress and she stares at her with a look of pure love, her undead heart skips a beat.

Klaus walks up on the stage

Klaus: Good evening everyone! I wanna thank you for being here with me to celebrate! It's been a long time coming!

Caroline walks up to Annabelle

Caroline: Hey, Klaus is here

Annabelle: I know.

Caroline: Apparently our sired hybrid-friend Tyler thought it would be okay to let his master throw a party! I expected more surprise!

Katherine: I've learned not to be surprised by anything Klaus does. I'm gonna go find Bonnie.

She walks away

Annabelle: Why is Katherine here? Where's Elena? Matter of fact, where's Rebekah?

Caroline: Plan's changes, I guess. Let's get a drink.

Later, Klaus walks up to Annabelle

Klaus: Where's Caroline?

Annabelle: Getting me a drink

He offers her his drink but she shakes her head

Klaus: Well, seems I have you to thank for Mikael's demise.

Annabelle: He came after Elena. She didn't have a choice.

Klaus: Still I'm impressed. It's not easy for a human to dagger an Original.

Annabelle: It wasn't the first time.

Klaus: Right. Elijah. You seem nervous.

Annabelle: I'm not nervous. I just hate you

Klaus: Let's get straight to the point then, shall I, love? People have been after me for 1000 years. And I am always one step ahead. So whatever it is you're thinking of trying, go for it, give it your best shot. You won't succeed.

Annabelle shallows a gulp before she turns and walks away.


Caroline opens her eyes and tries to sit up but notices Annabelle sleeping on top of her, resting her head on her chest. She smiles down at her.

Annabelle: Are you okay?

Caroline: How did I get home?

Annabelle: Me and Matt brought you home after Tyler vervained you.

Caroline sits up but keeps her perched in her lap, hands on her hips. Annabelle smiles, wrapping her arms around her neck playing with her hair.

Caroline: You're amazing, Anna.

Annabelle: I know.

Caroline falls back down on the bed keeping her arms around her while Annabelle nuzzles into her chest. Caroline kisses her on the forehead.

Annabelle: Mystic Falls Angel Where stories live. Discover now