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There's a knock at the door, Annabelle was reading a book in the living room, wearing her glasses. She stands up and heads to the door opening it seeing Caroline

Annabelle: Hey

Caroline: Um, could you invite me in?

Annabelle: Come on in

Caroline steps inside the house closing the door behind her

Caroline: So blood slut brought you a house?

Annabelle: Yeppies sure did.

Caroline scoffs and rolls her eyes

Caroline: How am I complete with her ass?

Annabelle smiles snaking her arms around her neck

Annabelle: It's not competition, baby. I love you just the same.

She leans up and kisses her over and over again on the lips

Caroline smiles into each kiss, hands on her hips.

Caroline: Alaric outed us to the council. He told them everything. The whole council knows what we are.

Annabelle: What are you saying?

Caroline: Let's leave town. Go somewhere. You, me and blood slut.

Annabelle: But our family's here. We can't just leave

Caroline: We can and we will. I hate Rebekah but we will do anything to protect our girl, baby.

Annabelle: Well, we can't just pack up and leave!

Caroline: If you stay, you're going to end up dead. You don't have a choice.

Annabelle sighs but nods her head

Annabelle: What do you need?

Caroline: Just my curling iron and you.

Annabelle: I own the house meaning Ric can't get in. Get your things and be back here in two hours

Caroline: Deal

She cups her face pressing their lips together in a loving kiss

Caroline: I love you

Annabelle: I love you

Caroline runs out of the house, Annabelle closes the door behind her.


Caroline is walking towards her house when someone approache her from behind

Hello there, darling

Caroline turns around and looks at the man confused

Caroline: Who are you?

No one you should know, darling

He twists her head to the side snapping her neck and lets her body slump down on the ground where he shoves a needle into her neck taking her blood

Just a little experiment. None of your concern, darling.


Annabelle is in the kitchen cooking, chopping up vegantables when there's a knock at the door. She wipes her hands on the apron and heads through the house. She opens the door seeing the man smiling at her

Annabelle: Um, who are you?

Allow me to introduce myself. Tristan. Tristan De Martel

Annabelle: I'm sorry but should I know who you are?

Tristan smirks and reaches inside the doorway grabbing her wrist pulling her out and shoves the vial of Caroline's blood into her mouth

Annabelle struggles as she looks up at him with tears in her eyes

Tristan: Just a little experiment. I want to know something. Sorry, not sorry, darling

With that, he twists her head to the side snapping her neck and lets her body fall before turning around and walks away with a evil smirk across his face.

Tristan: Now onto the second part of the plan. No more hybrids for you, Niklaus. Aya?

Aya steps out of the limo

Tristan: Kill the doppelganger.

Aya nods her head

Aya: I will take great pleasure in killing her, my lord.


Elena: I need to call Stefan, but my phone is dying.

Matt pulls out his phone.

Matt: Here. Use mine.

Matt hands over his phone as they drive towards the Wickery Bridge.

Elena: Thanks.

She looks up and sees a figure standing in the middle of the road.

Elena: Matt, look out!

Aya is the figure standing in the road. Matt swerves to avoid her and sends the truck flying over the guardrail and into the water.


Rebekah makes her way up towards the house when her eyes widens in horror seeing Annabelle's body

Rebekah: NO!! ANNA!!

She rushes towards her and kneels down taking her body in her arms, resting her head on her lap. She caresses her face, tears falling from her eyes

Rebekah: No! No! No! No! No! Please! Please don't be dead! Please don't leave me! Please wake up! Wake up, baby!

Suddenly Annabelle gasps shooting her eyes open, she gasps for air. Rebekah gasps in shock. Annabelle is in transition.

Annabelle: Mystic Falls Angel Where stories live. Discover now