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Caroline walks into the cafeteria and looks around. People are decorating for the "Roaring 20s" decade dance. Caroline sees Annabelle and walks over to her

Caroline: What is this, cupcake?

Annabelle: It's the decade dance, remember? You made me sign up to help

Caroline: No. [Caroline picks up a boa.] This. The 20s. We're doing the 70s.

Rebekah: Too flashy, people. It's supposed to be speakeasy, not the World Fair.

Rebekah sees Caroline and walks up to her.

Rebekah: Ah, good, you're here. I need help setting up the tables so, get to it.

Caroline: What do you think you're doing?

Rebekah: Somebody has to be in charge.

Caroline: Yeah, me. I'm the chair of the Dance Committee. The theme of the decade dance is the 1970s.

Rebekah: So, you'd rather dress in tacky colors with bad hair than be a classic flapper from the jazz age? It's not wonder why I'm Anna's favorite

Caroline: Ugh! No you're not

Annabelle: Maybe we can do both decades

Caroline/Rebekah: No!

Rebekah: Go on, baby, don't be a coward. You know you loved my 20s idea when I presented it to the group

Annabelle sighs, pitching the bridge of her nose

Annabelle: Look, I really don't care. The only thing I care is dancing with the both of you and also, I'm not wearing any panties

She turns and walks away, Caroline and Rebekah bites down on their bottom lip watching her go clearly turned on.

Caroline: Oh damn

Rebekah: Bloody hell. She's gonna be the death of us

Caroline: Eh. I won't mind.


Annabelle pulls her car up outside the mansion

Annabelle: Here we are, babe. Home sweet home

Rebekah: Okay, spill. Why'd you bring me home?

Annabelle: Why wouldn't I bring you home, Bekah? I'm your girlfriend.

Rebekah: Not just that, I mean, helping me with the dance and then standing up to Caroline. I don't buy it.

Annabelle; Buy what?

Rebekah: The whole lady thing. After everything my family has done to you. What are you up to?

Annabelle: You're nothing like Klaus or your family and I wanted to give you a ride home.

She places her hand on her face, Rebekah leans into her touch

Annabelle: Yeah I hate Klaus but I love you more.

Rebekah: I love you too

They lean in sharing a loving passionate kiss

Annabelle: See you at the dance

Rebekah: See you at the dance, darling.

She gets out of the car watching Annabelle drive away. She smiles before entering the house and sees someone standing by the fireplace. Rebekah stops and the person turns around. It's Esther.

Rebekah: Mother.

Rebekah rushes over to her, grabs her by the throat and pushes her against the wall.

Rebekah: Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you right now.

Esther: Because I'm dying.

Rebekah: How are you dying? I thought Ayana preserved your body with a spell.

Esther: She did. I'm drawing my power from the Bennett witch line. When Abby died the connection was severed. So my body has weakened.

Rebekah: Well, if you've come to spend your last moments with your loving daughter, prepare to be disappointed. You should have spent less time plotting my death.

Esther: Is that what you think I've been doing on the other side? I've been looking over you for a thousand years. Of joy and heartbreak. Your fights with Klaus, the nights you cried yourself to sleep calling out my name. Not a day has gone by that I wasn't right there with you.

Rebekah: And yet you still tried to kill me.

Esther: Because it shouldn't have been a thousand years, Rebekah. No one should live that long.

Rebekah: I got a reason to live now. I got Annabelle. She's all the happiness I need.

Esther: I'm sorry, Rebekah. I'm so, so sorry.

She takes Rebekah's hands and starts to shake. She falls to the ground, dead. Rebekah kneels down next to her. Klaus enters the room.

Klaus: What's going on?

Rebekah: She's dead.


Annabelle is laying on Caroline's chest, both naked with only a blanket covering them.

Annabelle giggles and kisses her chest.

Annabelle: At some point, I wouldn't mind doing this in our very own bed

Caroline: Moving in together? Like really?

Annabelle: Yeah. Hopefully after we deal with Klaus and either you or Bekah turns me.

Caroline sits up keeping Annabelle in her lap, the brunette wraps her arms around her shoulders

Caroline: You want one of us to turn you? Seriously?

Annabelle: Yeah. I want to be a vampire.

Caroline: But what about the sireline and Klaus?

Annabelle: I mean if Rebekah turns me, I'll be apart of her sireline but you-----we still don't know which one you cam----

Her eyes widens in shock, she gasps

Caroline: What? What, baby?

Annabelle: Katherine turned you and she turned Stefan and Damon. If Klaus dies, then all of you die.

Caroline: I know that. They know that. The difference is Damon doesn't care.

Annabelle leans in inches from her face, brushing her lips over hers

Annabelle: I love you

Caroline: I love you too, cupcake.

Annabelle: Mystic Falls Angel Where stories live. Discover now