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Annabelle gasps for air and wakes up. Rebekah is sitting on the end of her bed, watching her. She seems confused about what is going on around her.

Annabelle: Rebekah?

Rebekah: Hey. I'm right here. You've been in and out for hours.

Annabelle: Wh-what happened?

Rebekah: I found you on the porch. You were dead.

Annabelle: I don't know who he was. Said his name was Tristan De Martel

Rebekah's eyes darken with anger as her jaw clenches

Rebekah: I see.

Annabelle: Who is he?

Rebekah: I don't care about him. I only care about you, baby. You're in transition.

She reaches towards the nightstand and grabs a glass of blood

Rebekah: You need to drink to complete the transition. Here

She hands the glass to her. Annabelle takes it and exhales then down the blood in one gulp completing the transition.

Rebekah takes the glass

Rebekah: How do you feel?

Annabelle gets out of the bed and walks across the room looking at herself in the mirror. She slides the straps of her dress down her shoulders letting it hit the floor leaving her naked

Annabelle: I feel amazing.

Rebekah growls, eyeing her naked body up and down

Annabelle turns around and sways her hips seductively towards her and grabs Rebekah's shirt ripping it down the middle exposing her purple lace bra and throws it away.

Rebekah: A-Anna, wait!

Annabelle pushes her back down on the bed and crawls on top of her

Annabelle: Make love to me. Treat me like a whore.

Rebekah(smirks): Be careful what you wish for, darling

She flips her over so she's now on top of her and smashes their lips together, their lips moves together in perfect sync. Lips smacking together

Rebekah unbuttons her jeans and kicks them down her legs and off.

Rebekah: You want to be treated like a whore then I will fuck you like the naughty whore you are, darling

She goes down between Annabelle's legs and latches her lips around her folds, sliding her tongue up and down, swirling it in circles.

Annabelle arches her back and rolls her eyes to the back of her head, only moans falling out of her lips.

Rebekah sucks on the clit gently, swirling her tongue around. She slides a finger inside and slowly begins thrusting it in and out

She smirks, swirling her tongue around the clit earning moans from the brunette's mouth

Annabelle: Fuck! D-don't stop! Please! Please! Please!

Rebekah smirks, going faster and flicks her tongue across the clit then latches her lips around it sucking it. She slams her fingers in and out making the brunette moan louder, arching her back in pleasure

Annabelle: BEKAH! YES! YES! YES!!

Rebekah: Do you want me to make you beg?

Annabelle(smirks): Make me

Rebekah: Okay. I will.

Rebekah leans down and flicks her tongue across Anna's clit

Rebekah: You will

Annabelle: OH FUCK!!!

Rebekah pushes her tongue against her clit then latches it, sucking it harshly. Annabelle screams in pleasure as she squirts her juices hitting the blonde in the face.

Rebekah smirks pulling away.

Rebekah: Mmm-mmm-mmm.

She rubs her hand across her core as Annabelle squirts again, rolling her eyes to the back of her head and tongue drooling out.

Rebekah caresses her face while both girls has loving looks in their eyes

Annabelle: I love you

Rebekah: I love you


Rebekah ties a robe around her body making her way downstairs when there's a knock at the door. She opens it and sees Pastor Young with two deputies behind him

Rebekah: Yes? What can I do for you?

Young: Give us Annabelle Gilbert, Mikaelson

Rebekah: Yeah I don't think so. She's staying right here with moi.

The pastor goes to step inside the house but is stopped when he hits a barrier.

Young: What is this?

Rebekah(smirks): Took precautions. I had a witch place a barrier spell on this house. Only Anna can invite people in. Toodles

She slams the door right in his face

Young: AH!! MY NOSE!!

The blonde walks into the kitchen, smiling when she sees Annabelle cooking over the stove. Rebekah places a ring on the counter

Annabelle looks down at it, slowly reaching and picks up the ring

Annabelle: What's this?

Rebekah: Daylight ring. I had it made for you days ago. Put it on, baby

Annabelle smiles as she slides the ring on her finger then throws her arms around the blonde's neck kissing her lips

Rebekah smiles, cupping her face and kisses her back

They pull away and leans their heads together

Rebekah: I love you

Annabelle: I love you

Annabelle: Mystic Falls Angel Where stories live. Discover now