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Elena, Bonnie, and Annabelle are searching through a pile of driver license records for Bonnie's mother Abby. They're looking through the records of everyone who is named Abby Bennett.

Elena: Los Alamitos?

Elena gives Bonnie the record for a woman named Abby Bennett Wilson.

Bonnie: Too old.

Annabelle: Honolulu? Cause I for one wouldn't mind going to Hawaii.

Bonnie: How many of these are there?

Elena: A lot. I asked the sheriff's office to pull up every single Abby Bennett in the country.

Bonnie: I know we haven't been able to really...that things had been weird, because of Jeremy, so, thank you for helping me with this. I know you have a lot to deal with.

Elena: There's nothing more important, Bonnie.

Bonnie: It's surreal. Having to track down a woman, who bailed on her own kid.

Annabelle: You don't have to do this, you know? Let Stefan obsess over opening that damn coffin. It doesn't fall on you

Elena: She's right.

Bonnie: The coffin is spell shut. That makes it a witch problem. So it does fall on me. I was bound to see my mother again sooner or later.

Damon enters the house holding a manilla folder in his hand.

Damon: Sooner. Abby Bennett Wilson, Monroe, North Carolina. Born in Mystic Falls Hospital, graduated at Mystic Falls High...blah blah blah.

He hands Bonnie the folder and she opens it and looks at the driver's license record.

Damon: A little compulsion helps sped up the research process.

Bonnie: This is her.

Damon: Yep. Road trip. I call shotgun.

Elena: Yea-No.

Damon: Want me to hang out in the back with you?

Elena: You're not coming, Damon.

Damon: Why? I'm the one who found her.

Elena: Okay, Damon. Look. Bonnie hasn't seen her mom in over fifteen years. We don't need your snarky commentary narrating the experience.

Annabelle looks between confused

Annabelle: What's going on with you two?

Damon: We kissed. Now it's weird. Have a great trip.

He walks out of the house as Bonnie is shocked but Annabelle smiles, happy for Damon finally kissing Elena


Klaus is sitting at the bar talking on the phone to one of his hybrids

Klaus: How's life on the road?

Daniel: Scenic. How's life in Mystic Falls without any hybrids?

Klaus: Boring. For now.

Daniel: If you want any of us back, you just have to say the word.

Klaus: There's no need. I've been making friends with the town civil servants. There's a deputy, obnoxiously chatty, but useful nonetheless. You're clear, what you need to do?

Daniel: I got it covered.

Klaus hangs up and sees Annabelle walking towards him

Klaus: Hello Annab---

Annabelle grabs a knife and brings it down driving it into his hand, he grunts in pain yanking the knife out and glares at her

Annabelle: Go near Caroline again or make Tyler do anything against his will and I'll kill you

She flips him the middle finger over her shoulder as she walks away. Alaric is watching the scene with a proud smile on his face

Alaric: That's my girl.

Annabelle: Mystic Falls Angel Where stories live. Discover now