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Matt is standing in a hallway and Annabelle walks up to him.

Matt: How's Mr. Saltzman?

Annabelle: Resigned to spending the night in observation, so long as I promise to change the lock on the house.

Someone is looking at them through a room window as they walk towards the exit

Annabelle: So I talked to Bonnie earlier. She and her mom are fine. Have you talked to Caroline?

Matt: Yeah, she's holding it together, considering how close she and her dad used to be. Any word on who's behind these attacks?

Annabelle: No, Sheriff Forbes said there's no real suspects at all.

They're walking across the parking lot

Annabelle: How are you dealing with everything? I mean, you keep getting dragged into all of this.

Matt: Honestly...I'm kind of lucky, the only thing that I have to worry about for tomorrow, is showing up for my shift at the Grill.

Annabelle: Thank you, for everything today. Really.

Matt: Get home safe.

Annabelle: Thanks.

She sighs and walks to her car. Matt gets into his car and reverses out. She waves to him from inside her car as he's driving away. She starts her car, starts reversing, and hits something.

Annabelle: What the hell?

She gets out of her car and checks her bumper. There's nothing there. Suddenly, Rebekah appears.

Rebekah: Drive much?

Annabelle: Rebekah.

The blonde grabs her and pushes her against the car

Rebekah: Surprised? You knew they drove a dagger though my heart

Annabelle: W-what? I didn't know what Elena did. I promise I didn't know, Bekah. I promise you I didn't know.

Rebekah looks directly into her eyes and backs away

Rebekah: I believe you

She cups her face in her hands, Annabelle looks up at her. Rebekah brushes her hair out of her face tucking it behind her ear

Rebekah: I missed you, darling

Annabelle: I missed you

Rebekah smiles warmly at her, bringing her head down pressing her lips to her forehead.


Someone knocks on the door. Caroline opens it and finds a box with a ribbon around it on her doorstep. She brings it inside and looks at the envelope on it with her name handwritten on it. She opens it and sees an invitation card. She turns it over and sees that Klaus has written "Save me a dance. Fondly, Klaus." on the back.

Caroline: Oh fuck off, you hybrid dick.

She opens the box and sees a beautiful blue dress. She places the lid back on the box.


Elena and Caroline are sitting at a table.

Elena: It's all so weird. The Originals are throwing a ball. Like an actual ball.

Caroline: It's some twisted Cinderella fetish is what it is. And why does the Evil Witch want an audience with you?

Elena: I have no idea. There's only one way to find out.

Annabelle: Mystic Falls Angel Where stories live. Discover now