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Caroline, Annabelle, and Elena are walking through the gym hall which is being decorated for the 20s Decade Dance. Caroline has a clipboard and is in charge of the preparations as Rebekah is missing.

Caroline: So, Alaric is trying to pull himself together, why is that a bad thing?

Elena: I just...I wish there was something I could do.

Annabelle picks up a chandelier.

Annabelle: Babe, where do you want me to hang this thing?

Caroline: You know what, if Rebekah wanted to hang this monstrousity she should have shown up to do it herself.

She hands the chandelier to a passingby student.

Caroline: Just no!

She sees Matt and Jeremy hanging up stars in the ceiling.

Caroline: What are you doing? You can't just hang them! They're supposed to trickle down.

Matt: Trickle, duh!

Caroline: Look at them all bromancy.

Elena: Yeah we asked Matt to help Jeremy readjust. He got him his old job back at the Grill.

Caroline: That was nice of him.

Annabelle: Jeremy has got a lot on his mind. The whole thing with Alaric has got him really stressed out.

Caroline: You sure it has nothing to do with witnessing you and Damon getting hot and heavy in a skeevy motel?

Elena: I didn't tell you that so you could torture me with it.

Caroline: Aww, what are friends for? So who are you bringing to the dance?

Elena wraps a feather boa around her neck.

Elena: What do you mean? I thought you, Bonnie, and I were going as girl dates.

Caroline smiles, wrapping her arm around Annabelle's waist yanking her closer to her. Annabelle gasps

Caroline: I got my date right here.

Annabelle: Why don't you ask Damon?

Caroline: What? Ew, no. Ask Stefan.

Elena: I can't ask him on a date, I just made out with his brother.

Caroline: All the more reason! Look you're supposed to be figuring out what you want, that's what Stefan wanted you to do, right?

Elena: Yeah, but-

Caroline: But nothing! I've watched The Bachelor, okay? Fair is fair. It is Stefan's turn.

Annabelle: Yeah and you're not biased or anything.

Caroline: I'm sorry, but Stefan is Elena's epic love, cupcake. And I'm not going down without a fight.


Caroline spots Annabelle on the other side of the gym and approaches her, smiling

Caroline: Hiya cupcake

Annabelle: Hey baby.

Caroline: Since I got you first, hold on, I'm about to sweep you off your pretty little feet

She picks her up and spins her around, Annabelle giggles. Caroline places her down and cups her face kissing her passionately on the lips

Annabelle smiles moving her lips passionately against hers.

Annabelle: I love you, Care

Caroline: I love you too, my whittle cupcake.

Klaus walks in and stares at them

Annabelle: Mystic Falls Angel Where stories live. Discover now