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Elena and Annabelle: Morning

Alaric: Thought we had aspirin.

Elena: They're in the vitamins.

Elena and Annabelle notices a nearly-empty bottle of whiskey and an empty glass next to it on the kitchen counter.

Elena: You're hungover.

Annabelle: Exactly how hungover are you?

Alaric: Yeah, sorry about that. It was a bit of a weird night.

Elena: You know you don't have to feel guilty about inviting Meredith over here.

Alaric: Oh I know. And I thank you for that. But I do feel guilty for whiskey dialing her at two in the a.m.

Elena: No you didn't.

Alaric: Oh, yes I did.

Annabelle: Oh how did she take it?

Alaric: Well, as soon as these aspirin kick in and I remember the conversation, I'll let you know.

The doorbell rings. Sheriff Forbes is waiting outside, holding a plastic evidence bag. Elena opens the door and walks out onto the porch, followed by Alaric and Annabelle

Elena: Sheriff Forbes, hi. Is everything okay?

Liz: This is an unconventional conversation we're about to have. So I hope you'll protect me on it.

Alaric: Of course.

Liz: I assume you both heard our medical examiner was murdered the night of the Wickery Bridge fundraiser.

Alaric: Yeah. Brian Walters. Why?

Liz: We've been investigating. Someone drove this stake through his heart.

She holds up the evidence bag with the stake in it.

Annabelle: That's one of ours. This is from the set at the lake house

Liz: That's why I'm here. I haven't told anyone but forensics ran it for prints and found only one clean set.

She looks at Elena.

Liz: Yours.

Elena: What?

Annabelle: What?


Stefan walks outside of the house where Annabelle is waiting for him

Stefan: What are you doing here?

Annabelle: Bonnie told me that you guys would be here. I need to talk to you.

Stefan: Well, there's nothing to talk about. I'm just focused on getting this coffin open.

Annabelle: Did you kill the medical examiner?

Stefan: Why would you think I did that?

Annabelle: Maybe because I don't know what you're capable of anymore.

Stefan: Well, believe what you want, Anna

Annabelle: I don't want to believe any of it, Stefan.

Stefan: But you had to ask me anyway.

Annabelle: Stefan...

Stefan: Did you ask Damon...if he killed anybody lately?

Annabelle: No I asked you because you're the one who fed from me, not Damon so you can suck a lemon, assmuncher

She turns and walks away leaving a guilty and ashamed Stefan alone.


Annabelle walks down the hallway towards Caroline

Annabelle: That was super fast

Caroline: Yeah, he's not here. He was already discharged. And she seems perfectly nice by the way...a little intense, maybe. But...I think it's sweet, you wanna make sure Alaric's not dating a total psycho.

Annabelle: He's family. We have to look out for him.

Caroline lowers the phone from her ear and has a blank look on her face.

Annabelle: Care, what?

Caroline: I hear it.

She uses her vamp hearing

Annabelle: Hear what?

Caroline: My dad's phone.

[She walks to a medical supply room. She opens the door and they walk in. They pass numerous shelves and at the back of the room they see Bill's dead body sitting upright on the floor against a shelf with a knife in his chest. They gets on her knees beside him.

Caroline: Dad! Dad?

Annabelle: Oh my god.

Caroline: Don't be dead, don't be dead, don't be dead! Oh my god!

She pulls the knife out and drops it on the floor.

Caroline: Daddy!

Annabelle notices the blood on the knife.

Annabelle: Bab.....Care...He has vampire blood in his system.

Caroline: What?!


Caroline and Bill are alone in a room. Annabelle walks inside.

Annabelle: I called your mom.

Caroline: Thanks.

Annabelle: Mr. Forbes, did you see your attacker?

Bill: I didn't see anything. Tried to sneak out the back exit and someone came up from behind.

Caroline: Look, we'll figure this out, but in the mean time we need to get you some blood.

Bill: I'm not going to drink any blood.

Annabelle: You have to. You died with vampire blood in your system. If you don't feed and finish the transition into a vampire then you'll die.

Bill: I understand how it works. And that's what I'm prepared to do. Now get me out of this hospital. I smell blood everywhere.


Annabelle and Caroline are sitting together on the front porch.

Annabelle: Did you hear back from Tyler yet?

Caroline: No. And I've left messages for him everywhere. So, does Alaric really think that Dr. Fell did it?

Annabelle: He doesn't know what to think.

Caroline: What about you?

Annabelle: I wish the girl Alaric liked wasn't in the middle of all of this. He deserves to be happy. But yeah, she looks guilty. It's why I told your mom.

Caroline: My mom's in there sitting with my dad. And I don't think they've been in the same room this long since I was ten years old. Is there any chance that Tyler did it?

Annabelle: What?

Caroline: If Klaus was trying to mess with you and he's sired to Klaus. And, I mean, he does everything that he's told.

Annabelle:, I don't think Tyler did it.

Caroline: I can't just let my father die. You know, I'm...I'm gonna force him to feed.

Annabelle: Hey....he doesn't want to, Caroline. The only thing your dad has is his choice.

Caroline's eyes begins to well up with tears.

Caroline: I hated him so much for what he did to me. So much. Now all I want to do is save his life.

Annabelle: Of course you do, he's your dad.

Caroline: What was the hardest part for you? When you lost your Dad?

Annabelle: Realizing all the things that he wouldn't be there for. The things that...that you just need your Dad for, you know?

She slides over closer to her, wrapping her arms around her waist burying her head into her chest. Caroline wraps her arms around her kissing her on top of her head.

Annabelle: Mystic Falls Angel Where stories live. Discover now