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Alaric is lying down on an MRI couch, about to go into the MRI scanner. Elena, Annabelle, and Meredith are in the control room, preparing to scan Alaric.

Annabelle: What are you looking for?

Meredith: I don't know. A tumor, vascular anomalies, anything physical that might explain his behavior. If it's medical, I can treat it.

Elena and Annabelle: And if it's not?

Meredith: Well, then we'll deal with that too.

A technician slides Alaric inside the machine. Alaric stares at his reflection in the mirror placed above him.

Elena: When did you suspect him?

Annabelle: That it was Alaric who was killing all of those people?

Meredith: It was after he told me about his ring. I remembered a story my grandmother had told me about Samantha Gilbert and her secret journal. I don't know if you know this, but we Fells are notorious busy-bodies.

Elena: But then, why did you protect him?

Meredith: Because I'm a doctor, I don't like to see someone hurt by something they have no control over. And because when he and I first met I felt like...I don't know, I- I just kind of want to help him.

Alaric continues to stare at his reflection in the mirror in the MRI machine. His reflection glares down at him, but he is not making the same expression. He starts to panic. Meredith talks to him over a speaker.

Meredith: Everything alright in there?

Alaric closes his eyes and opens them, he stares at his reflection again, its expression is the same as his.

Alaric: Yeah. Yeah, everything's okay.

After the scan, he is in a regular hospital room getting ready to leave. Elena and Annabelle comes in.

Annabelle: Meredith says that everything is normal.

Alaric: Yeah, well, everything is normal, because there is nothing wrong with me. I didn't kill Brian Walters, I didn't kill Bill Forbes, and I sure as hell didn't shove a hunting knife into my stomach.

He looks down at the ring, which is the only thing he hasn't picked back up.

Alaric: Or I did and I've gone insane, just like your ancestor who wore that ring.

Elena: Look, I'm gonna call Bonnie, the rings were made by a Bennett witch so maybe a witch can reverse the damage.

Alaric pushes the ring towards them

Alaric: Take it. I don't want it any more.

Annabelle takes the ring and looks at Alaric. Damon enters the room.

Damon: You ready to ditch this House of Horrors? Oof, you look terrible.

Alaric: Yeah, let me...let me check outta here.

Alaric leaves the room. Elena gives Damon a hateful look and leaves too. Annabelle sighs leaving the room too.


Annabelle walks towards Rebekah and turns around backing up against her, the blonde smiles wrapping her arms around her waist and kisses her cheek

Rebekah: Hey darling.

Annabelle: Hey.

Sage walks up to them

Rebekah: Look what the cat dragged in

Sage: Rebekah, charmed

She looks Annabelle up and down, smirking

Sage: Who is those pretty one?

Annabelle blushes while Rebekah glares at her, raising her eyebrow

Rebekah: None of you business. What are you doing here, Sage?

Sage: Well, I heard Finn was finally freed from that casket your rageaholic brother Klaus carted him around in.

Rebekah: Mmm, Finn, you just missed him. He left town and didn't tell a soul where he was going.

Sage: He probably went looking for me.

Rebekah: Or quite possibly he forgot all about you.

Sage: I doubt that.

Rebekah: No? Cause he didn't seem to mention you. Sorry you came all this way for nothing. Have a nice life.

She grabs Annabelle's hand and drags her away.

Annabelle: Buh bye I guess.


Rebekah enters holding a glass of wine

Rebekah: I stole it from Nik who stole it from a Queen. Not sure which one. Well this is depressing. What happened to the party?

Annabelle walks to her, taking the bottle

Annabelle: It just arrived.

Rebekah leans in and kisses her neck before extending her fangs sinking them into her neck, drinking her blood. Annabelle tilts her head back and moans softly, hand tangled up in Rebekah's hair

Rebekah moans in pleasure as Annabelle's blood slithers her throat. She pulls away licking her lips. Annabelle caresses her face, tugging on her lower lip with her thumb, a loving look in her eyes

Annabelle: I love you

Rebekah smiles, eyes welling up with tears and kisses her on the forehead

Rebekah: I love you too, darling.

She kisses her, Annabelle cups her face kissing her back when Rebekah grabs her hips lifting her up in her arms and vamp speeds upstairs. Annabelle giggles all the way to the bedroom.

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