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Caroline peppers Annabelle's face with sweet kisses

Caroline: Time to get up, baby.

Annabelle groans in her sleep

Annabelle: Five more minutes.

Caroline smiles, shaking her head and touches her lips to hers. Annabelle sits up perching herself in her lap cupping her face in her hands.

Caroline: I can't believe this is actually happening.

Annabelle: Me neither

Caroline: I don't care that I have to share you with blood slut. You're finally my girl, Anna.

Annabelle: I've always been your girl, Care. I'll always be your girl

Caroline smiles, eyes welling up with tears

Caroline(whispers): I love you

Annabelle: I love you too


Annabelle opens the door walking inside talking on the phone with Rebekah

Annabelle: When you coming back?

Rebekah: We'll be back shortly, darling. Just having to bring Finn back to unlink us and then we'll cuddle under a blanket and watch a movie.

Annabelle: I like that idea, Bekah.

On the other side, Rebekah has a smile across her face.

Rebekah: I love you, Anna

Annabelle: I love you too. Just hurry up and come home. Come home to me

Rebekah: I'll be home soon, my love.

Annabelle hangs up and enters the living room plopping herself down on the couch and turns on the tv.


Annabelle enters the mansion finding Rebekah in the parlor staring into the fireplace. She approaches her, placing her hand on her shoulder

Rebekah: I can't believe Finn's dead

Annabelle: I'm sorry

Rebekah turns around to look at her

Rebekah: Did you know?

Annabelle shakes her head

Annabelle: No I didn't know what they were gonna do. I swear, Bekah.

Rebekah: How do I know I can believe you?

Annabelle gasps looking at her in disbelief, tears forming in her eyes

Annabelle: Because-------because I love you, that's why.

She steps closer towards her, taking her hands in hers, looking at her as tears steams down her face

Annabelle: I love you, Rebekah. I love Caroline. You're my home.

Rebekah sighs, reaching her hands up and cups her face, leaning her forehead against hers

Rebekah: You're my home too, darling.

She presses her lips to her forehead

Rebekah: I love you

Annabelle: I love you.

Whose blood should turn Annabelle?

Caroline or Rebekah's?

Annabelle: Mystic Falls Angel Where stories live. Discover now