Chapter 5

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They sat in silence on the plane, neither one of them able to sleep. Taylor's mind was spiralling and as they got closer to landing she turned to Tree, whispering her pleas "I know you're going to say no. But I want you to listen to me fully before making up your mind, ok?"

Tree narrowed her eyes "Taylor, I am not keeping this a secret"

Taylor held her hands up defensively "I know – I'm not asking you to. I know you have to tell my parents. You want to keep me safe" Tree nodded along, while Taylor continued "BUT, I'd really prefer not to speak to any doctors just yet. Now I'm not saying I don't want to recover. But I'm just saying – I think we can do it between us. I know what I've been doing is stupid. I really want to get better and I really think I can do that – with your support of course."

Tree shook her head "Taylor – you have collapsed twice"

Taylor nodded "because I wasn't eating. I am going to eat – I will work with you and my Mum. I'll eat with you, whatever you tell me to do. But I really hate doctors – you know that. I don't want it leaking to the press either. Please – just give it a go, just us? For a while. If it doesn't work – then drag me back to treatment. Please?"

What she didn't say is she couldn't bare the thought of professionals being involved. She remembered the embarrassment and fear – the total loss of control as the professionals sat there, prodding and poking her – forcing her into strict meal plans and rules. Plus – the doctors could never be fooled - too wise to the tricks. Last time the constant threat of hospitalisation hung over her. She wouldn't let them do that again.

Tree considered it for a moment "if you promise to actually let us help you – that you will eat what we say, when we say. Then we can give it a go – but I need to speak to your Mum. There will be rules. You cannot handle this alone. You are getting worse and we won't sit back and watch it happen"

Taylor's face contorted "rules?"

Tree nodded, holding up her hands – counting them out on her fingers as she spoke "1) you will eat at set times - 3 meals a day, 2 snacks.

2) You will let us weigh you weekly and we will need to see a consistent weight gain.

3) No exercise until you're stable. Then we will get you a personal trainer who can oversee it"

Taylor thought about it all "I don't want everyone to know my weight"

Tree shrugged "not everyone. You can choose. Me, your mum or a doctor. Or all of us. Somebody needs to know it – to keep an eye on it"

Taylor bit her lip "fine", it wasn't an agreement she was happy to make – but she knew she needed to get them off her back. It was easier to agree and then find ways around it than to refuse and have them drag her to a Doctor.

The plane landed soon after and Taylor was looking forward to heading home. When they were in the car, she quickly realised they were going the wrong way "Wait! What's going on?"

Tree looked at her sadly "Don't panic – I'm not ambushing you. I spoke to your Mum – we agreed you shouldn't be alone today"

Taylor groaned, throwing her head back "I am exhausted. I just want to get home"

Tree nodded "precisely – you are exhausted. You have collapsed twice. You need somebody to keep an eye on you – just for a day or so. We will make sure your fridge is stocked and you can go back home tomorrow when we know you're safe"

Taylor knew there was no point in arguing but the dread began to grow again - Andrea and Taylor had always clashed over food. Andrea always wanted to give Taylor all the high calorie, fatty foods for quick weight gain and didn't understand the mental strain this put on the blonde. Tree knew this but she needed a day or so to get everything organised at Taylor's house and figured the blonde would just have to suck it up for a few meals.

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