Chapter 13

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Over the next week Taylor tried to start eating, she attempted something at every meal and took a few sips of the supplement when she couldn't manage it but she was still probably only eating about 1/3 of the calories they wanted.

The Doctor came for his weekly review with the dietician and they reviewed all the documentation from the nurses. Taylor and Tree sat there patiently waiting until the doctor looked up "Tree? Can I speak with you for a second alone?"

She smiled kindly and let him to the other room, he turned to face her "She is still not eating enough. I would like to get her weight today and some more blood tests to be sent off but I am concerned that this progress isn't quick enough, she is still battling against every meal. The problem with at home treatment is we cannot physically force her, if this continues she will have to go into hospital where they can use an NG tube to give her adequate nutrition."

Tree nodded "OK – so we get her weight, get the blood test results and go from there?"

He nodded solemnly "but I am going to tell her about the hospital admission – it feels as though it is imminent now.."

They went back into the kitchen where Taylor was sitting anxiously, she saw the expression on Tree's face and knew something was seriously wrong. She began to pick at her nails anxiously, bouncing her leg while waiting for them to speak. Tree came and sat next to Taylor – a gentle hand on her leg to stop the movement. The doctor leaned forwards in his chair "Taylor – I am going to be very honest with you right now. I don't think you are trying hard enough. I believe you think you are doing just enough to stay out of hospital – but we don't believe in just enough. At home treatment only works for those who are very motivated and it appears that right now – you may need more intensive treatment. Today – I am going to weigh you and take some bloods to review but I think we need to be realistic and agree that if things do not improve – we will be admitting you"

Taylor sat back, shocked "but...but I've been eating!"

Tree gripped her hand "Taylor, you've barely eaten. You are continuing to argue about food, you're continuing to try and avoid it"

The nurse pitched in now "you have been trying to hide food at meal times – up your sleeve and in your napkins. Yesterday you held a piece of bread in your mouth for 20 minutes until you spat it out."

Taylor glared at her, hating her for telling everyone. Tree squeezed her hand tightly as the doctor spoke.

"I am giving you one last chance. One last shot at doing this. If there is no improvement I will be contacting my colleagues and we will be admitting you."

Taylor frowned "I don't consent"

Tree looked down at her lap, knowing what was coming next but the Doctor spoke for her so she didn't have to. "Tree is your medical guardian. We don't need you to consent – we just need her to."

Taylor whipped her head round, ready to beg with Tree but she could see the defeated look on the woman's face. She nodded, knowing she needed to play along. "OK fine. I will try my hardest. I will eat my meals, I'll drink the supplements. I will do whatever it takes to get better"

The doctor smiled widely "Great!" Tree smiled softly at her but didn't believe a word she said – they had been here so many times before. The doctor weighed her quickly, sighing when she had actually lost half a pound before the nurse took some blood from her.

They decided to schedule a phone call for 4pm with Tree – when the results would be in, so they could discuss and plan.

Once they had all left, Taylor was left with Tree and a nurse. She turned towards them "Can I just eat with Tree today?"

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