Pretend Dating

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"What he do to you?" 

"Break up with me. I've liked him for over two years and we dated for like two weeks."

"Sucks for you." 

"Shut up. Do you want me to help you or what?" 

"Okay, I'm listening." DD says intrigued.

"Let's make him jealous. I know is sounds cliche, but it actually works most of the time." 

"Okay, how?" 

"Tomorrow, you and me, dating." She says pointing her finger at the two of them.

"What?" DD says shocked and his voice loud. "You can't just do that." He says lowering his voice again.

"Not actually. Just pretending to be dating. Pretend dating." She clarifies.

"Oh." DD says relived. "But tomorrow?" DD asks hesitantly.

"Yeah. It will work better the sooner we do it."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, If it didn't, I wouldn't be saying it."

"Okay, I'll do it." DD reluctantly says.

She laughs loudly and touches his arm.

"Are you okay? What's so funny?" DD asks genuinely concerned. 

She stops laughing and stares at him, "People who barely talk, don't just randomly start dating. That's our only goal today. Just talk."

"Okay, but we're starting the plan now?"

She nods and he starts laughing a little, going along with the plan.

Ddot watched as they talked, a little angry that DD hadn't talked to him, but was talking to Octavia Johnson III, acting like they were best friends.


Octavia Johnson III walks up to DD who is at his locker. "Hey, boyfriend."


"Ready to start the day?"

"No, but I have to."

"Great." She says reaching for his hand and holding it. "Let's conquer the day." She says enthusiastically.

DD appreciates her energy as it contradicts his mood. It makes him smile a bit.

"Let's go to my first." She says leading him there still holding his hand.

 When they get there she bring him in to her seat. She put her stuff down and turns to him and hugs him. When it's over, she smiles at him and says, "Thank you, baby."

"You're welcome." He says smiling back. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees Ddot who looks shocked and confused. He turns and walks out.

 When Octavia Johnson III arrives in second period she sits next to DD, who was waiting for her. 

"I think it's working." He says excitedly. "The way that he looked at us. Did you see?"

"Yeah, and when you left, he was giving me a stank look." She adds.

DD puts his arm over Octavia's shoulders. She is startled and looks at him. Realizing what he is doing, she scoots closer.

DD glances at Ddot and Notti and sees them looking at him and Octavia Johnson III while talking to each other. 

"What's wrong with her?" Ddot angrily says to Notti. 

"Nothing. She's just annoying." Notti says not really caring.

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