For real this time

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Ddot had not really been paying attention to DD the whole week. DD was getting concerned, but didn't want to be too obsessive or clingy. DD was in his room when he felt a slight shaking. He went out into the hall and heard muffled noises.

He moved in the direction of the sound and found himself outside of Notti's room. He could hear grunts, moans, and groans.

He was about to walk away when he realized one of the moans he heard was Ddot. This angered him, but there was nothing he could do right now. Besides, he's probably just in one of his Notti phases, but would quickly go back to DD.

He tried his best to calm down and called Octavia.

When she picked up he didn't even say hello. "Octavia, Ddot's with Notti."

"DD, honestly, I think you should let him go already. That boy is indecisive and can't make a decision to save his life." She says tired of hearing about Ddot.

"I can't, I'm so close."

"DD, you're wasting your time on him. You deserve so much better. He's just a bop."

"Is that what you really think of him?" DD asked taken aback.

"Me? The whole school does."

"They do?"


"But he's only been with me and Notti."

"Yeah, but he switches with bop pace."

"Whatever. You're no help." He says, hanging up.

He felt lost. He didn't know what to do. He just sat on his bed feeling defeated.

After a few minutes, from the crack in his door, he saw Ddot. He had on, only a towel, that was wrapped around his waist as he was going to shower. He shot up of the bed and went into the hallway.

"Hey." He said to get Ddot's attention.

Ddot turned to face him.

"I was just wondering where we were at." DD says nervously.

"DD, we are not thing. We were NEVER a thing. I'm sorry if you thought that. I just hope we can move on and be friends." 

"You were playing me?"


"You've been playing me this whole time. And I was dumb enough to believe you every time you said you cared about me."

"No, DD, I do. I never played you." 

"She was right." DD said, holding back tears and going into his room, slamming the door behind him.

Ddot repeatedly knocked on DD's door, but never got a response. He then just decided to go in anyway, but the door was locked.

He knew that at this point DD would not let him in. Feeling guilty, he just stood in the middle of the hallway, deep in thought.

Notti walked out of the room, a towel also on his waist. He walked up behind Ddot and held him from behind. 

"What's going on?" 

"Nothing." He tries to lie.

"I know something's wrong. Just tell me."

"Um," Ddot hesitantly starts. "DD's mad at me."

"And that matters?" He asked annoyed, letting him go.

"I know what you're thinking, but it's not like that. You have to realize that you're not the only one I hurt."

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