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                              Y/N'S POV

I hate you, Five Hargreeves!" I slammed the steering wheel in frustration, shouting repeatedly. "I hate you! I hate you!"

But the truth was different. No matter how hard I tried to throw him out of my heart, I couldn't. I was mad at myself that his mere presence made my body shiver for him like it used to. I thought that four years would be long enough for me to forget him and turn my love into hate. But it wasn't. Seeing him awakened every feeling I'd tried to bury deep inside me. Gazing into his eyes brought back all the memories. Smelling the addictive scent of his body reminded me of the way he used to make me feel. The moment I caught sight of his alluring smile, all the reasons I once fell in love with him came flooding back.

Damn you, Five Hargreeves. Damn you.

I entered a house that Diego owned in the suburbs of NY, which he let me stay in for the time being. I threw the keys in a marble drawer of a cabinet standing under the big mirror in the spacious, luminous hallway. A heavy yet quiet breath escaped my lips as I ran my fingers through my hair. Conflicted. I was battling with my own thoughts. Why would Five act as if he still loved me? Was he so wicked that he wanted to make me fall for him all over again so that he could take his revenge? But there was one more question that kept bugging me. Why hadn't he asked about my pregnancy yet? The whole evening, he hadn't mentioned it. Not even once. As if he had no idea about it.

"You're finally back." Diego's low voice made me jump out of my skin.

I wasn't expecting to see him here. Although we pretended to be a couple, we agreed that we would live separately, with Diego staying at one of his other properties.

"What are you doing here?" I scolded. This was not what I agreed to. I wanted my privacy.

"I was waiting for you," he replied dryly, and although his face showed no trace of emotion, I saw stirring anger in his sand-brown eyes.

That was when I remembered that just a couple of hours ago, his brother, aka my ex-fiancée, aka his enemy, and finally, aka the father of my child, kidnapped me from the charity ball, humiliating my new fiancée in front of everyone.

"You have the keys to this apartment?" I narrowed my eyes, ignoring the rage in his eyes. I might have agreed to be a pawn in his game now, but I had to set some clear boundaries.

"Spare keys, yes."

"I don't want you to come here whenever you please, unannounced. I thought we had a deal."

Diego took a few steady and slow steps closer toward me. His emotionless facial expression combined with the anger beaming in his eyes gave me chills.

Suddenly, I felt uncomfortable. Threatened.

"Exactly, Y/n. We had a deal," he hissed, grabbing me sharply by my elbow, which I quickly yanked off his grip.

"Don't touch me like that," I said, my tone warning. I stepped back, creating a safe distance between us but maintaining eye contact. I did not want to show him his attitude affected me in any way. I agreed to dance with the devil, and now I had to watch my every move.

A wicked smile curled up his lips, and a dark gleam sparked in his eyes as he cast a piercing glance at me. "I think I know why my brother couldn't keep his cock in his pants." His smirk was now wide and broad. "Your fierceness is kind of sexy."

I scoffed. My eyes rolled involuntarily. Agreeing to be a part of Diego's plan to take revenge on his brother, I was not fully aware of what a twisted bastard he was.

"Did he kiss you?" Diego hissed through clenching teeth, his eyes turning dark.

"That is your main concern?"

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