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I looked around a dark warehouse, gradually refining my consciousness. My teleportation is too week to break free. My senses slowly sharpened, and the haze of confusion lifted. I wanted to adjust myself but couldn't move. I realized I was bound to a sturdy column, its cold metal digging against my flesh. It took a moment for my vision to clear and the unbearable ringing in my ears to subside. I quickly assessed the warehouse and several men of the Moretti mafia. But it was the sight of Reginald Hargreeves and Ben Hargreeves that jolted me fully awake. My eyes widened, brows furrowing instinctively as I struggled against the restraints.

"Surprised to see me, son-in-law?" A wicked satisfaction crossed his face.

I clenched my teeth over the piece of cloth they put in my mouth. If it wasn't for the bindings restricting my movements to mere inches, I'd kill the fucking piece of shit right on the spot. My eyes darted to the side, where Ben stood by a table with glasses of whiskey as he lit up his cigarette, the smoke floating around him.

"I warned you that you were going to regret fucking with me," Ben's voice rang out. "I lost everything because of you. Because of the fucking Hargreeves! Money, reputation, even my family! Your existence is like a curse to me," he spat. "Everything would be different now if you hadn't shown up in my timeline."

I stared into his psychotic eyes, unable to do anything. I was bound and helpless. I could only listen as Reginald unleashed his bitter, pathetic rant.

"Now, it's high time your family loses everything, my boy." He took a few steps closer. "At midnight, he's going to sign papers that transfer ownership of his companies and all assets to him to save his beloved brother. What he doesn't know is that afterward, we'll kill you both anyway." His laugh bitter reverberated through the warehouse.

"I don't think so," Diego's voice boomed, his gaze steely as he pointed a gun at Reginald . Behind him, dozens of our soldiers accompanied by Diego and Viktor and Y/N's sisters was our trusted ally from Colombia, who ran some of our deals in Miami.

Chaos erupted like a volcano. Moretti's men pointed their weapons back at our soldiers, and neither side backed out. It would mean death. But death was inevitable that night.

"Reginald!" Sloane's voice cut through the chaos. I was taken aback, to say the least, to see her here. She held a gun in her shaky hands, aiming.

Shots broke out in a flurry of motion, reverberating around the steely walls as gunfire filled the air. Two of our men raced to me, freeing me from the chains, and handed me the weapon, the cold metal felt so familiar in my hands. I quickly rose to my feet and started blinking and firing. There was no room for hesitation. There was only destruction and death. The air was filled with the smell of gunpowder floating all around us, the metallic taste of blood, and the roaring of gunshots. Moretti's men against our soldiers, neither side willing to retreat. All were ready to die. Ready to kill. That was what we were. Killers. Not scared of death and trained to kill without batting an eye.

"Viktor!" Diego shout made me turn in alarm. He rushed to our brothers side, and I rippled through the room, shooting at Moretti's men like a madman, annihilated beast, watching their bodies fall to the ground like dead flies. I was no longer a man, I was a killing machine.

A stain of blood began to spread across Viktor's shirt. Diego kneeled next to him, putting his head on his lap. "Diego," he spoke with effort.

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