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I closed my eyes as regret washed over me. Five was right. He had every reason to feel hurt and betrayed. Getting involved with his brother was a mistake, and deep down, I knew it would inflict the most pain on Five. Before I learned the truth, that was my aim. To hurt him in the worst way possible.

"Do you remember that night four years ago?" My voice cracked.

Five's gaze intensified, nodding slowly. "The night everything changed."

I cast my mind back, immersing myself in the vivid recollection. "After I left your apartment, I was lost and scared. I didn't know who I could trust anymore. I thought I could trust Zachary, considering he was your friend and..."

Five's features tightened.

"I reached out to him. He assured me of his loyalty to you. He claimed to care for both of us equally, treating you like a brother," I explained, fighting through the regret that clung to every sentence. "I confessed to him that I was pregnant. He was taken aback but he offered his congratulations. He insisted that you would be the happiest man alive, that your love for me ran deep."

Five's eyes bored into mine. "But?"

I exhaled heavily. "I couldn't shake off the doubts, the fear. I told Zachary what happened, about your hidden motives, your family's past, and your desire for revenge against my family," I confessed. "Zachary still claimed you loved me, Five. It made me even more convinced he was on your side, loyal to you. I suspected it was just a façade. And so... I asked Zachary to meet you and tell you about the pregnancy, see your reaction."

"What?" Five's fists clenched. "He never... that fucking son of a bitch. He planned everything. He came to me and told me you died in a crash crash that night with Ben."

My eyes shut, and a single tear dripped down my cheek. "And he came to me, claiming you laughed in his face saying that you've never been more satisfied, that you called your family to tell him you've accomplished your task and that I'm in danger because it was just a matter of time until you'd find out the truth that he lied to you so I had to run away as soon as possible."

"Fuck!" Five's fist collided with the wall. "Why did you believe him, Y/n?"

"Five..." I whispered. "Put yourself in my position. Imagine what I went through. I waited for Zachary to return, and every passing minute felt like an eternity. I questioned every touch, every glance, every kiss, every word you ever said to me. I clung to the hope that Zachary would bring back news that you had abandoned thoughts of revenge, that you were over the moon about our baby. But when Zachary came back... telling me all this... I was terrified, Five. I knew you were capable of anything. It felt like my world shattered, and my heart fractured into a million pieces."

Five closed the distance between us, his hands tenderly cupping my tear-stained cheeks. "It's okay. I understand."

My voice trembled as I said, "I'm so sorry, Five. I let him deceive me."

Reality hit with the force of a wrecking ball. Once again, I had placed my trust in the wrong person. Once again, I had let myself be manipulated. I had always believed in Zachary's sincerity, never suspecting him of such heartlessness and twisted motives. He had been Five's most trusted man, a seemingly devoted friend, even a brother.

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