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Five squeezed my hand as we headed through the hospital hallway, sterile and tense. We approached his family, who stood with a pained expression on his face. I had never seen is family so visibly emotional. There usually cold demeanor was and a narrowed.

"How is he? Is he alive?" Five's voice was tense.

"Thank God he's alive." Luther let out a heavy sigh.

"What happened?"

"It's my fault." Viktor's gaze dropped.

"And how is it your fault, huh?"

"I shouldn't have been so harsh on him."

"Harsh?" Five's teeth gritted, stretching his neck. I felt his hand tightening around mine, the pulse in his neck throbbing. "Diego is a grown man. He should take responsibility for his actions. And you know what? This whole car crash seems fishy to me. I wouldn't be surprised if it was just another one of his tricks."

Everyone gaze landed on me, and I felt the awkward tension between us. It was as if the air had thickened, and I wasn't sure what to do with myself.

"Five." Allison gaze was back on me. "Please don't say anything around Diego that could throw him off balance. At least for now."

Five cleared his throat as if trying to fight the wrath brimming in him. "Can we just all see that he's been playing everyone from the very beginning? This is just another one of his games."

"I know what he did behind your back and are's is inexcusable, and I blame myself if this was some accident between me and him." Viktor sighed. For the first time, he seemed... helpless. "Five, I don't expect you to forgive him. I just want this war between you two to end."

Five exhaled heavily, rubbing his pulsing temples before setting his gaze on his family. "I got back with Y/n," he spoke in a low tone.

Klaus nodded, his gaze shifting to me and then Five again. "We can see that."

"Maybe it'll be for the best if I take Y/n and Ezra away for a few days. Disappear from Diego's sight. I don't want him near my family."

"That might be a good idea," Allison agreed.

Five nodded. His body was tense, and despite the anger, maybe even hatred radiating from him, I found pain in his cold gaze. I saw the inner fight he was battling with himself reflecting in his eyes. He turned to walk away, leading me after him, my hand still in his. With a short exhale, he turned back to face his family. "Keep me updated on Diego's state." His voice was low. "He's my brother, after all. Even if I hate it at the moment."

"We will ." A trace of a smile raised at the corners of Luther's lips. His attention shifted to me. "I wish for the best for both of you."

My lips pressed in a forced smile. I found it hard to believe. I nodded softly and followed Five out.

Five canceled all his meetings, securing a few days off from work, and the very next day, we were on his private plane on a flight to Miami. All three of us. Our first time as a family.

We have chosen a hotel by the ocean, with the soothing melody of crashing waves serenading the air. Our suite offered a captivating view of the ocean. It all felt so serene.

The Makeup | Five Hargreeves x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now