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Just moments ago, the news of Y/n's miscarriage shattered my heart into countless pieces. The thought of losing the opportunity to become a father, of our unborn child never getting the chance to experience life, was excruciating. But, witnessing that little boy calling Y/n 'mommy' with a hint of fear in her voice, everything was clear. My heart broke again, this time into more pieces than it was made of. I couldn't understand why... Why did she keep the pregnancy a secret? Why did Zachary lie to me she miscarried? Why did she place her trust in Zachary over me?


Why did she rip away my chance to be around her while she was pregnant, my opportunity to see how my son came into this world, and finally, my chance to be a father? I had been robbed of the opportunity to witness the first smiles, the first words, and the first steps of my son. I couldn't say a word. I just stood there, staring at Y/n. A wave of sorrow and anger washed over me. I'd always known she could be the reason my life imploded. And so she was.

My gaze darted to the little boy again, and fuck, with a single glance at his face, I just knew he was mine. He was my son. A destructive kind of regret surged through my veins. How I wished to turn back time. How I wished I could go back in time and be there for Y/n during her pregnancy, holding her hand while waiting for the arrival of our child together. Our son . But now, the harsh reality set in. To her, my own son , I would be just a stranger now. A man who appeared out of nowhere, disrupting the world he had come to know. At one point, the little boy's eyes locked with mine, and a single tear dropped down my cheek. I stood there, paralyzed, as did Y/n and Diego. Silence, complete silence, and darkness enveloped us. I felt helpless. For the first time in my life, I felt so helpless. Involuntarily, I fell to my knees, as if my body refused to listen to me. As if all the strength in me had drained out of my body. Nothing in this world could possibly bring me to my knees. Nothing ever had. Until now. Only the sight of the son I didn't know existed had such power over me. I couldn't tear my gaze away from that little boy. What led us to this point? What led us to cause that irreversible damage to each other?

"I'm sorry, dear, I couldn't catch him." An unfamiliar voice of an older lady snapped me back from my thoughts. "He was running so fast," the lady added, guilt visible on her face.

I knew she was there to watch over him while Y/n couldn't, to help her hide my son from me. My despair was slowly turning into wrath, realizing how well Y/n had arranged all this. How she kept my child a secret from me, with a babysitter to help her and Diego by her side. Diego instead of me. I was seething inside. Fuming.

"Please, take him upstairs," Y/n hardly managed to say as she turned to the lady. She quickly wiped away tears and kneeled to the little boy. "Sweetheart, Mommy needs to deal with something here, and then I'll join you and Betty, okay?" Watching Y/n talk to the little boy, I felt a sting of pain in my heart. As if someone had put a knife in it and torn it apart.

"Come on, Ezra." The woman smiled at the boy, reaching for his hand. Ezra. His name was Ezra, and I had to learn it like this... by accident.

"It'll be best—" Diego began to say, but I swiftly rose to my feet and gripped him by his collar, barely containing myself from putting a bullet in the head of this fucking traitor.

"Don't you dare open your mouth!" I hissed with lethal rage. If a gaze alone could kill, mine would. "It's between Y/n and me."

Diego's muscles tensed. "I'm her fiancée, and—"

"I don't give a fuck!" A dark growl rumbled in my throat. "I don't care about anything but my son now!"

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