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What's going on here?" Diego roared from the other end of the hallway.

"No, Five. I will not meet you," I hissed to Five's face before yanking out from his grip. I stepped back, and soon enough, Diego was by my side.

His hand wrapped around my waist, and he planted a kiss on my forehead. "Is everything okay, baby?" He looked into my eyes, grabbing my chin with his fingers.

I shot him a cold stare before putting on a fake, forced smile. "Now that you're here it is." I tried to hide my irritation. Before contacting Five, I sent Diego dozens of texts and tried to reach him as many times. Eventually, I knew I had to contact Five instead. Diego screwed up. He was well aware, I could tell. The guilt was all there, swimming in his apologetic gaze.

"Doc, how's he?" Luther's voice brought my attention from the end of hallway running in with the rest of his family to the doctor who had emerged from the surgery area. Honestly, he had a great timing. I looked at him, he was clad in a pristine white coat.

"He's stable," the doctor said, the whole family sighed in relief.

"Thank God," Allison breathed, her eyes shut for a split second as if a huge weight had been taken off her shoulders.

"It seems like luck was on his side. The bullet ricocheted off the sternum, missing the lung. It lodged into the soft tissues of the chest wall. He should recover well," she explained.

"Is he conscious? Can we see him?" Luther tone was of concern.

The woman smiled. "He's still under the influence of the sedative after the surgery. Give him some time to rest. Come back later to check on him."

"Thank you, Doc." Klaus nodded.

"He's being taken care of." Allison told Claire and she took a knee to reach her, her lips curled up in a smile as she took a step to hug her mother.

The doctor smiled professionally before disappearing behind the door to the surgery area.

Diego diverted his gaze to me, our eyes locked. "I should take you home, babe."

"We have to talk, Diego," Five said, his stern gaze on his brother.

"Actually I think we all need to talk here." Allison told the two boys who both turned there stern gazes on there sister.

Diego's neck stretched, and a heavy sigh escaped his lungs. "Alright."

I was surprised he gave in without a fight.

"Let me have one of my men take my fiancée home first. She's had enough excitement for one day."

"No need for that." Five's gaze moved to Wyatt, who followed him everywhere like a shadow and who I suppose was his new right-hand man. Zachary's replacement. "Wyatt will make sure she gets home safely."

Wyatt made a single nod, taking a step forward, his hands clasped on his abdomen. He had an earpiece in his right ear, dressed in a black suit. "If you'll accompany me, Miss Hargreeves."

It wasn't Hargreeves anymore, but I guessed that was a detail they didn't have to know. My lips pursed in annoyance, and my eyes rolled. "I can get home on my own."

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