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Five stormed out in a fit of rage, slamming the door, and I was left with a flurry of emotions. Collapsing to my knees, tears streamed down my face, his words echoing in my mind. I knew he was telling the truth, that he never intended to harm me or the baby. I was certain he couldn't have feigned his despair, pain, and anger. I saw it in his eyes. He was genuinely hurt and broken, just like I was now. How could I let myself be so deceived? What had I done? I'd kept my son away from his father for four years and squandered the chance for a happy family. I couldn't continue lying to myself. I loved Five. I never stopped. I might've been filled with pain and desire for revenge after learning the truth about his wicked plans toward me, but my feelings for him never waned. He was my weakness, a drug I failed to resist despite knowing all too well that drugs are no good.

"Hey, don't cry," Diego gentle voice reached my ears, his hand soothingly caressing my arm. Helping me stand, he embraced me tightly, "We won't let him take away Ezra from us, don't worry," he said, planting a kiss on my forehead while caressing the back of my head.

I pulled away, trying to stifle my sobs. "Us?" I repeated bitterly. "There's no us, Diego. Stop pretending we're a loving family because we're not," I yelled in a semi-whisper so that the screams wouldn't wake Ezra. "It was just a deal, and it's not valid anymore now that Five knows about Ezra!"

"And didn't you want revenge, as well?" he challenged bitterly. "Was it all about Ezra only?"

I shook my head. "He was, and he is, my priority!"

Diego stepped forward, and his tone grew dark. "Are you trying to imply that you're reneging on our deal?"

I felt helpless and lost. Tears welled up in my eyes again. "I don't know what to think or do anymore. Every single goddamn man who was important to me in my life manipulated me." I cried, struggling to stand on my feet while looking into Diego's eyes. I didn't want his pity. I despised it when people pitied me. But I was so broken, so damaged, that I could no longer suppress my pain. "First, my own father used me for his twisted ambitions." A single tear dropped down my cheek at the memory of how my father, a man who was supposed to love me unconditionally and care for me, would always see me as a pawn in his games to achieve what he wanted. How he would sell me in exchange for connections, and influence by arranging relationships for me. Another tear escaped my eyes at the memory. "Then, my first real boyfriend, followed by my second boyfriend. Until Five. Just when I thought he truly loved me, it turned out he was using me too!" I sobbed, desperately sobbed. "Later Zachary, and now... you, Diego."
Diego's face was washed with regret. His eyes squeezed momentarily. "I'm not manipulating you, Y/n. I offered you a deal, and you took it."

"Is that so?" I squinted angrily, my voice lowered. "But you weren't fully honest with me, were you?" I challenged. "You must have known that Five was desperately searching for me during those years, not to hurt me, but because he loved me. Yet, you conveniently omitted that, didn't you?" My fist landed on his chest, and Diego avoiding eye contact, tilted his head to the side. "Instead, you fed me with the lies of his satisfaction in breaking my life. You claimed he was reveling in his revenge! You confirmed that what Zachary said was true! You insisted that once Five discovered our baby, he might hurt it, fuck, you said he would kill my son!" I yelled, the waves of helplessness, regret, and frustration overwhelming me. "Now, tell me, was any of that true?" I questioned, my shattered gaze fixed on him, unsure if I had the strength to endure it all.

"No," Diego stated quietly, meeting my gaze. "I lied about that. I knew you wouldn't have agreed to all this if I had told you that Five loves you."

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