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I satin my padded, black leather chair, tapping my fingers against the dark wooden desk. My mind was consumed by the lingering taste of the kiss I had just shared with Y/n. The way her eyes flickered between mine. Her chest moved up and down slowly. There were a hundred reasons why I should've let go and stayed away from her, but I couldn't. All the control that I had been trying to preserve broke at the very moment when she entered the building. She was the only woman that, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't resist. Starting with her dark, sultry eyes, the intoxicating scent of her skin, and the allure of her curved body, through the depth of her soul. She was perfect. Irresistible. She was the embodiment embodiment of sensuality. I knew that any attempt to resist her would be in vain. God knew how badly I wanted to kiss her and make love with her every time she was close to me.

Despite all that she'd done, her disappearing, her wicked games, I couldn't be mad enough to extinguish the flame she ignited within me. And now that kiss confirmed she still had feelings for me too. She could have fought her feelings all she wanted, but I could feel it. She still loved me, too.

Then Diego's gaze while he leaned in to kiss her pictured in my mind.


My jaw clenched. I reached for my phone and dialed my assistant.

"Yes, Mr. Hargreeves's ?" Vanessa's voice rang through the speaker.

"Vanessa, bring me the documents Luther prepared a few days ago," I instructed.

The documents, which I had previously shoved in my his face with rejection. The same agreement stated that the first of us to settle would inherit the majority of the company and assume the role of the new CEO. I knew how badly Diego wanted it all to himself, and now that I suspected he was using Y/n as his means to beat me in his cunning schemes, I was eager to play his game and claim back what was mine. I grinned to myself, swinging in my chair.

I'm back in the game now and will win back my woman and the company.

The joke's on you, brother.


After work, I drove to the hospital to meet the family to visit Viktor. Rain blurred the passing scenery as I accelerated, my thoughts consumed once again with Y/n in the leading role. She was the root of my problems and all I desired. Shaking my head, I instructed the car audio system to call Wyatt. He followed me in one of our black Mercedes GLMs like a shadow wherever I went.

"Any updates on Zachary's whereabouts?" Tonight, I had to leave for Italy to run some business with the Moretti family, and the fact that we hadn't located the rat yet drove me fucking insane.

"Nothing new, boss."

My fist clenched around the steering wheel. I had my men dig through every corner of the state to track him down, yet there was no trace of him. He seemed to have vanished into thin air, much like four years ago. I had a hunch someone was helping him. Someone powerful. Someone like my brother.

My jaw tightened, teeth gritting. "Keep searching. Don't stop until you bring this piece of shit to my knees."

"Copy you, boss."

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